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Apex Strategy Meetings
Apex Strategy Meetings 2021 - 2022
Apex Strategy Meeting 11/28/2022
Halloween First Paragraphs 10/31/22 (99:56)
Kathryn Craft -"Raiders of the Lost Arc" 10/25/22 (91:39)
Jana Stocks Brown - Preparing for NaNoWriMo - 10/17/2022 - Strategy (63:54)
Rebecca Treasure Schibler - Pitches and Agents - 10/10/22 - Strategy (64:51)
Crystal Bechler - Save the Cat - 10/03/2022 (57:25)
Erin M. Brown - Dialogue Tag Power Moves - 09/26/2022 - Strategy (63:53)
Jason Hamliton, Content Manager - Kindlepreneur - 09/19/2022 - Strategy (76:15)
Tammy Burke - Chaistic Structuring - 09/12/2022 - Strategy (83:24)
Tyson L. Dutton - Campbell's monomyth vs today's interpretation and Cosmogenic Cycle No One Mentions from Hero with 1k Faces - 08/29/2022 - Strategy (78:38)
Brenda Carre - Brainstorming - 08/22/2022 - Strategy (80:01)
Michelle Jeffries - -How to Apply Structure in Different Story Scenarios - 08/15/2022 - Strategy (80:21)
Amey Ziegler – Creating Memorable Fiction - 08/08/2022 - Strategy (79:19)
Wulf Moon - Release the Kraken - Achieving Flow State - 08/01/2022 - Strategy (83:48)
Tammy Burke - Story Embryo - 07/25/2022 - Strategy (76:36)
Joaquin Baldwin - Mapmaking - 7/18/2022 - Strategy (76:06)
Matt Wright - From Pantser to Outliner - 07/11/2022 - Strategy (74:45)
Pat Hauldren - Genre Tropes - 06/27/2022 - Strategy (72:21)
Mike Jack Stoumbos - Short Story Structures - 06/20/2022 - Strategy (73:40)
Mike Jack Stoumbos - Quick & Dirty Novel Planning - 06/13/22 - Strategy (94:58)
Miles English - Writing a Series pt. 2 - 06/06/22 - Strategy (76:38)
C Michelle Jeffries - Writing a Series pt.1 - 05/23/22 - Strategy (71:33)
Cherise Papa- Advanced Word Features - 05/16/22 - Strategy (80:45)
Martin Shoemaker - Dragon Dictation - 05/09/22 (79:55)
Apex Strategy Meeting 05/02/22- Scrivener (78:31)
Apex Strategy Meeting 04-25-22 - Booktok (73:48)
Strategy Meeting 04-18-22 - Scrivener (72:56)
Apex Strategy Meeting 04_11_2022 - Scrivener (76:56)
Apex Strategy Meeting 04_04_2022 "Scrivener" (80:12)
Apex Strategy Meeting 03/28/2022 "Query Letters" (77:14)
Apex Strategy Meeting 03/21/2022 "Writers Tools: Aeon Timeline" (77:28)
Apex Strategy Meeting 03/14/2022 "Your Apex Strategy: The Big Picture" (64:09)
Apex Strategy Meeting 03/07/2022 "Patreon" (80:16)
Apex Strategy Meeting 02/28/2022 (75:13)
Apex Strategy Meeting 02/21/2022 "Which Path?" (75:19)
Apex Strategy Meeting 02/14/2022 "Which Path?" (78:24)
Apex Strategy Meeting 02/07/2022 "Writing Tools" (62:46)
Apex Strategy Meeting 01/31/2022 "Writing Tools" (73:52)
Apex Strategy Meeting 01/24/2022 (76:18)
Apex Strategy Meeting 01/17/2022 "Amazon Specifics: Algorithms, Vella" (76:31)
Apex Strategy Meeting 1/10/2022 "Making Story Models" (53:39)
Apex Strategy Meeting 1/03/2022 "Making Story Models" (53:33)
Apex Strategy Meeting 12/27/2021 "Advertising" (57:38)
Apex Strategy Meeting 12/20/2021 "Building Your Street Team" (63:25)
Apex Strategy Meeting 12/13/2021 "Book Covers" (40:36)
Apex Strategy Meeting 12/06/2021 "Audiobooks" (43:41)
Apex Strategy Meeting 11/29/2021 "Self-publishing" (50:18)
Apex Strategy Meeting 11/22/2021 "Parsing Out Book Rights (54:21)
Apex Strategy Meeting 11/15/2021 "Creating Your List" (54:16)
Apex Strategy Meeting 11/01/2021 "Websites" (60:03)
Apex Strategy Meeting 10/25/2021 "Making A Career Plan" (66:50)
Apex Strategy Meeting 10/11/2021 "Income Streams" (59:10)
Apex Strategy Meeting 10/04/2021 "Marketing" (52:44)
Apex Strategy Meeting 09/27/2021 "Desired Outcomes and Marketing to the Right Audience" (59:26)
Apex Strategy Meeting 09/20/2021 "How Traditional Publishing Works" (68:35)
Kathryn Craft -"Raiders of the Lost Arc" 10/25/22
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