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318R Writing Course - Dave & Rafael
Course Curriculum 2022 - Dave & Rafael
Lesson 1: What It Takes To Be A Professional (Dave) (79:46)
Lesson 2: Brainstorming (Dave) (77:01)
Lesson 3: The Power of Setting (Kary) (132:01)
Lesson 4: Creating the Perfect Cast (Rafael) (120:25)
Lesson 5: Focusing on Individual Characters (Martin) (156:24)
Lesson 6: How to Plot a Tale (Rafael) (130:40)
Lesson 7: Conflicts - The Engines of Your Story (Rafael) (110:02)
Lesson 8: Treatment - Style, Tone, Voice (Martin) (124:41)
Lesson 9: Taking Your Reader into Deep Hypnosis (Rafael) (110:28)
Lesson 10: Emotional Beats (102:15)
Lesson 11: Hooking and Holding Your Reader (92:21)
Lesson 12: Composing Well, Fast, and Fun (132:51)
Lesson 13: Narration and Exposition (110:44)
Lesson 14: Weaving, Braiding, and Stacking Plots (109:25)
Lesson 15: Description - Beyond the Basics (Kary) (88:29)
Lesson 16: Five Keys to Reaching a Massive Audience (128:36)
Q & A with Rafael 05_15_22 (106:09)
Lesson 17: Plotting a Multi-Million Dollar Series (124:41)
Lesson 18: Writing Powerful Dialogue (122:09)
Lesson 19: How Traditional Publishing Really Works (144:46)
Lesson 20: Editing (104:26)
Lesson 21: Publishing Indie (139:36)
Lesson 22: Income Streams for Writers (165:05)
Lesson 23: Screenwriting and the Film Business (78:27)
Lesson 24: The Hollywood Greenlighting Process (97:51)
Lesson 25 Rewriting to Greatness (123:54)
Q & A with Rafael #2 (82:20)
Lesson 26: An Author's Strategy for Long-Term Global Success (131:29)
Lesson 28: Heinlein's Rules (149:57)
Lesson 29: How to Stay Organized as a Writer and the Mental Battle (111:06)
Lesson 30: Best Seller Strategies for Trad Pub (128:38)
Lesson 31: Best Seller Strategies for Self Pub (120:54)
Course Curriculum 2021
Lesson 1: What It Takes To Be a Professional (78:15)
Lesson 2: Brainstorming (78:11)
Lesson 3: Perfecting Plot (87:52)
Lesson 4: The Power of Setting (77:50)
Lesson 5: Creating the Perfect Cast (61:01)
Lesson 6: Bringing a Character to Life (77:21)
Lesson 7: Developing Conflicts (64:56)
Lesson 8: Treatment, Tone, Voice, and Style (58:54)
Lesson 9: 5 Keys to Reaching a Massive Audience (61:54)
Lesson 10: Weaving, Braiding, and Stacking Plots (62:35)
Lesson 11: How and Why Plots Really Work (67:15)
Lesson 12: Hooking and Holding Your Reader (49:02)
Lesson 13: Composing Well, Fast, and Fun (77:22)
Lesson 14: Description Beyond the Basics (75:28)
Lesson 15: Writing Unforgettable Dialogue (72:04)
Lesson 16: Narration and Exposition (56:41)
Lesson 17: Taking Your Reader into Deep Hypnosis (41:11)
Lesson 18: Plotting a Billion Dollar Series (65:26)
Lesson 19: How Traditional Publishing Works (106:09)
Lesson 20: Publishing Indie (97:02)
Lesson 21: The Broken Narrative Technique (47:55)
Lesson 22: Going Hollywood (74:20)
Lesson 23: Film Production Basics (57:49)
Lesson 24: Income Streams for Writers (58:36)
Lesson 25: An Author's Strategy for Long-Term, Global Success (110:37)
Lesson 1: What It Takes To Be a Professional
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