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Apex Zoom Conference Meetings
Call's Organized - Notion
Nick Mills - Lessons in Lying - 2/24/25 (10:40)
2025 Apex Masterminds
L. Diane Wolfe - Unique Marketing Tips - 2/22/25 (77:18)
September C. Fawkes - The Principles of Perfect Pacing - 2/17/25 (81:30)
Tys Grenz - Creating or Selecting the Mythology for Your World - 2/15/25 (97:45)
Craig Nybo - Writing Like a Virtuoso - 2/10/25 (78:47)
Mona Storm - Creating Realistic Companion Animals in Fiction - 2/8/25 (82:15)
Matthew Bockholt - Writing Prompts: Perfecting Your Micro to Improve Your Macro - 2/3/25 (92:42)
L. Diane Wolfe - How to Pitch Perfect: How to pitch to agents and publishers through query letters, pitch events, and in-person - 2/1/25 (81:57)
Tys Grenz- Unbelievable Monsters - 1/27/25 (90:15)
What Books Have Inspired You Most - A community meet-up - 1/25/25 (88:12)
ARK Press Launch - Tony Daniel & Dave Butler - Pitches and Editing - 1/20/25 (88:09)
Tys Grenz - Nature - A Most Powerful Antagonist and Villain - 1/18/25 (101:44)
Open Mic readings and additional memories of Dave - 1/13/25 (78:46)
Honoring Dave - 01/11/25 (209:34)
Matt Bockholt - Writing Techniques and Insights: Know What You're Writing (rethinking "Write What You Know") - 01/06/25 (74:03)
September C. Fawkes - Plot Turns, Turning Points, & Plot Points - 1/4/25 (85:22)
Apex Masterminds Session - 1/25/25 (88:12)
2025 Apex Strategy Sessions
Open Mic Readings - 2/24/25 (66:29)
Watch Party & Lecture - Double Feature with David Farland’s Rewriting to Greatness course - 2/17/25 (73:21)
Community Meet-up - 2/10/25 (81:04)
Tammy Burke - How to Find and Engage ARC Readers for a Successful Book Launch - 2/3/25 (69:36)
Character Cafe - 1/27/25 (74:47)
Mastering Author Interviews - 1/20/25 (88:29)
Strategy - Watch Party - Obstacles, Setbacks, Deepening, and Broadening - 1/13/25 (76:05)
Strategy - Tammy Burke - Street Team - 01/06/25 (78:27)
2024 Apex Masterminds
Tys Grenz - Monsters Variations - 12/30/24 (94:27)
Nick Mills & Brenda Sills - Pass The Candle - 12/23/24 (78:29)
Dave Butler - Theory of the Sacred - 12.21.24 (106:11)
Storm Humbert - World Building and Setting_Back to Front-Bottom to Top - 12.16.24 (75:18)
Gracie York - Belief & Symbols in Your Writing - 12/14/24 (78:39)
Danuta - The Billabong Method: The Magic of Mellowing - 12/09/24 (83:22)
Jana S. Brown - Looking forward to, and Renewing for (writing in) 2025 - 12/07/27 (84:48)
September C. Fawkes - The Voice! Author vs. Narrator vs. Character - 12/02/24 (82:25)
Brenda Sills - Scientifical Creativus Illuminarium - 11/25/24 (86:52)
Stephan Fassmann presenting Thanksgiving in Space and How to Jump Start Your Space Shuttle! - 11/23/24 (100:08)
Kevin J. Anderson - 11/18/24 (85:05)
Gracie York - Self-Publishing a Children’s Story: How are the “writing rules” different for children’s stories? - 11/16/24 (75:28)
David Belt - Of Swords and Axes - Jokers, Villains and Heroes - Spells, Truth and Lies -11/11/24 (92:23)
Community Meet-up - 11/9/24 (85:16)
September C. Fawkes - Balancing the Lines: Dialogue, Description, Action, and Introspection - 11/4/24 (81:13)
Venessa Giunta - Manuscript Corsetry: Tighten Up That Story! - 11/2/24 (82:34)
Danuta Raine - Busking for Writers - 10/28/24 (85:41)
Jolene MacFadden from Southern Dragon Publishing - Building Your Author Brand: Simple Steps to Gain More Readers - 10/26/24 (84:16)
Adam Rushforth - The Blind Leading the Blind - 10/21/24 (79:17)
John D. Payne - Finding Markets for Short Fiction - 10/19/24 (90:06)
John D. Payne - Finding Markets for Short Fiction - 10/19/24 (90:06)
Daniel David Wallace - How the Midpoint of Your Novel is Like a Knot - 10/14/24 (91:40)
Tony Daniel - Dialogue - 10/12/24 (105:20)
September C. Fawkes - Dialogue: Writing The Spoken Word - 10/07/24 (78:48)
Tys Grenz - Find Your Passion to Start Writing Passion vs Inertia - 10/05/24 (78:58)
Forrest Wolverton - Personal Reflections and Aligning Your Inner Stars - 9/30/24 (81:27)
DJ (Dave) Butler - Reading - 9/28/24 (106:29)
Henry Neff - Demystifying Voice - 9/23/24 (100:14)
M.J. Rose - No one Can Buy a Book They've Never Heard of - 9/21/24 (87:36)
Colby Dunn - Mastering the Elevator Pitch - 9/16/24 (77:39)
Nick Mills - Trust Your Inner Storyteller - 9/15/24 (77:57)
Claire Taylor - Enneagram for Authors - 09/09/24 (75:24)
Troy Lambert - Career Pivots - 090724 (80:45)
Troy Lambert - Career Pivots - 09/07/24 (80:45)
September C. Fawkes - Allies to Rivals and Enemies to Lovers: Writing Relationship Arcs!- 09/02/24 (87:10)
CJ Anaya - Subplots & Weaving Them into your Main Storyline - 08/31/24 (76:40)
Danuta Raine - How Reading Wide Helps you Polish - 8/26/24 (88:35)
Apex Mastermind - Dave Butler - 8/24/24 (80:13)
Apex Mastermind Community Meetup - 8/19/24 (84:04)
Forrest Wolverton - Heroes - 8/17/24 (0:57)
Tys Grenz - Stories that Fulfill Profound Human Needs and Building a Fire in Your Readers - 08/12/24 (87:46)
Dave Butler - You're Gonna Need a Bigger Pie - 08/10/24 (87:55)
September C. Fawkes - Be Ye Steadfast and Immovable: Positive Characters Who Don’t Change - 8/5/24 (84:15)
Jana S. Brown - The Power of Writing and Marketing a Series - 8/3/24 (78:35)
Sarah Noffke - Unleashing the Writer Within – Motivation & Productivity -7/29/24 (89:41)
Danielle Hampson - Media Book Marketing in the 21st Century - 7/27/24 (98:25)
Storm Humbert - Every Word, a Story (the power & importance of word choice) - 7/22/24 (82:51)
Logan Kearsley - Language Evolution - How Languages Change - 7/20/24 (93:26)
Savannah Gilbo - How To Hook Readers In Your First Chapter -7/15/24 (81:08)
Katharine Wibell - Author Networking & Its Literary Benefits - 7/13/24 (87:14)
Daniel Blatt - A "Biblical" Overview of Greek Mythology - 7/8/24 (96:31)
DJ (Dave) Butler - Can You be Your Own Developmental Editor - 7/6/24 (104:23)
September Fawkes - Negative Character Arcs:Living the Lie - 7/01/24 (89:36)
Sarah Noffke - Title forthcoming (motivation & productivity) - 6/29/24 (85:26)
Apex Discussion and Resource Sharing - 6/29/24 (85:26)
Matt Bockholt - Write What You Can't Say: Rethinking Show, Don't Tell - 6/24/24 (85:20)
Forrest Wolverton - Connections in Our Authoring Life - 6/22/24 (99:52)
Becca Lee Gardner - Your Creative Process - 6/17/24 (84:57)
Dave Butler - Real World Magic and Magic Systems - 6/15/24 (99:48)
Danuta - The Billabong Method for Developing Your Author Self - 6/10/24 (84:48)
M Colin Alston - Nine Lines Under the Circle - 6/8/24 (83:27)
John Goodwin – How to Promote Yourself - 6/3/24 (93:21)
Jana S. Brown - Subscriptions and Serializations - 6/1/24 (81:50)
Danuta - Discernment, An Author's Sixth Sense - 5/27/24 (85:30)
Tys Grenz - Plan magic, religious, social and political systems - 5/25/24 (83:40)
B Daniel Blatt - Myths & Archetypes in Story - 5/20/24 (84:25)
DJ (Dave) Butler - AMA - 5/18/24 (91:18)
Todd Fahnestock - Business: The difference between trad and indie - 5/11/24 (82:37)
William Joseph Roberts - Topic on Moving past the 1st readers - 05/06/24 (91:06)
Mica S. Kole - Best Bang for Your (Editorial) Buck: How to Get 10x the Value on Your Developmental Edit - 5/4/24 (86:28)
Storm Humbert - Magic Systems as Metaphor - 4/29/24 (82:28)
Kristina Stanley - Beyond Book 1: How to Structure an Entire Series in Advance - 4/27/24 (86:13)
Joanna Penn - Question and Answer Session - 4/23/24 (70:38)
Lisa Kastner - Building Your Writing Career from Scratch - 4/22/24 (90:48)
DJ (Dave) Butler - Ask Me Anything - 4/20/24 (92:53)
CR Rowenson - Mages Can’t Do That!!! : Improving Your Magic with Limitations- 04/15/24 (79:06)
DJ (Dave) Butler - AMA - 4/13/24 (88:18)
Michael Hauge - 10 Essential Elements of Every Great Story - 4/8/24 (123:47)
M Todd Gallowglas - Poetry for Writers - 4/6/24 (73:12)
Tys Grenz - The Best Tips to Write the Worst Fantasy Ever - 04/01/24 (85:00)
Roz Morris - Series or Standalone - 3/30/24 (105:28)
Lisa Kastner - Author Branding - 03/25/2024 (81:43)
Micheal La Ronn - How to Be a Part-Time Writer with Full-Time Results - 3/23/24 (82:16)
Gary Goldstein Going Big - Breaking the Inertia of Fear - 03/18/2024 (119:24)
Jana S. Brown - Pen Names Pros and Cons: Who are You Again? - 3/16/24 (86:47)
Jamie Sonderman & Ed Gardiner (movie producer) - Building Your Community So Everyone’s Dream comes true - 03/11/2024 (89:41)
Jason Hamilton - How to Incorporate AI into Your Writing - 3/9/24 (89:33)
Kimberley Grabas - How to Define & Attract Your Ideal Readers - 3/4/24 (90:30)
William Joseph Roberts from Three Ravens Publishing - Power of You - 3/2/24 (89:56)
Richard Walter - Merging Reality with Fantasy - 2/26/24 (101:53)
Jim Butcher - Scene & Sequel - 2/25/24 (114:13)
Desmond Astaire (Winner of last year's WotF Golden Pen award) - His Journey & AME - 2/24/24 (83:30)
Jana Brown - When Two Heads Are Better Than One - 2/19/24 (84:23)
Tys Grenz - Community Meet-up - 2/17/24 (77:09)
Tys Grenz - Raising the Stakes - 2/12/24 (89:37)
Forrest Wolverton - Wired for Success and Greatness - 2/10/24 (88:13)
James Dashner - 2/5/24 (93:18)
Dave (DJ) Butler - Dialogue is Action - 2/3/24 (83:49)
Zach Kristensen from JuxtaBook - Building Your Reader Community - 1/29/24 (82:34)
Savannah Gilbo - - Writing Interiority: How to Reveal Your Character’s Inner Life on the Page - 1/27/24 (74:51)
Matthew Bockholt - Let Your Fears Disappoint you - 1/22/24 (83:35)
Remembering Dave - 1/20/24 (83:59)
Jan Nerenberg - Submission Process for Sunbury Press - 1/15/24 (90:18)
Tys Grenz - Revision: Re-see your WIP. Use the KAV Cycle to Make Your Book More - 1/8/24 (90:04)
Forrest Wolverton - Following the Metaphor - 1/6/24 (67:32)
2024 Apex Strategy Sessions
Apex Strategy Session - Open Mic Reading - 12/30/24 (71:07)
Apex Strategy Session - Holiday Party & 2024 Successes & Growth - 12/23/24 (81:54)
Watch Party & Discussion: Metaphors, Similes and Style from the Writing Enchanted Prose series - 12/16/24 (75:26)
Apex Strategy Session - 12/09/2024 (75:20)
Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Creating Reels on Canva - 12/02/2024 (74:35)
Apex Strategy Session - Community Meet-up: Wrapping up the year and planning ahead - 11/25/2024 (84:45)
Apex Strategy Session - Reading - 11/18/2024 (70:15)
Apex Strategy Session - Character Cafe - 11/11/2024 (77:23)
Apex Strategy Session - Watch Party - Art of Narration - 11/04/2024 (82:17)
Apex Strategy Session - Tracy Painter - Electric Cottage: Find your Light in the Dark - 10/28/2024 (81:17)
Apex Strategy Session - Evan Gow, StoryOrigin - How to Rapidly Grow Your Email List from 0 to 1,000+ - 10/21/2024 (85:34)
Apex Strategy Session - M. Colin Alston - SEO - 10/14/2024 (80:17)
Apex Strategy Session - Come as Your Character (Character Cafe) - 10/07/2024 (73:39)
Apex Strategy Session - AB Testing - What Is This -9/30/2024 (70:25)
Apex Strategy Session - Expanding Your Reach with Bookbub -09/23/2024 (67:53)
Apex Strategy Session - Watch Party - Generalities to Specifics - 09/16/2024 (79:13)
Apex Strategy Session - Workshopping Transporting Your Reader Homework from Strategy 8/26/24 - 09/02/2024 (76:06)
Apex Strategy Session - Apexer Readings - 09/02/2024 (84:15)
Watch Party & Discussion on Transporting Your Reader - 08/26/24 (71:57)
Apex Strategy Session - Amazon Ads 102 - Creating Your Keywords List - 08/19/2024 (69:54)
Apex Strategy Session - How Do We Research - 08/12/2024 (75:33)
Apex Strategy Session - Story Telling as a Fine Art: Brain Storming 101 - 8/05/2024 (79:43)
Apex Strategy Session - Seeing Yourself as a Writer - 7/29/2024 (76:55)
Apex Strategy Session - Amazon Ads 101 - 7/22/2024 (88:27)
Apex Strategy Session - Author Readings - 7/15/2024 (69:23)
Watch Party & Discussion on Farland's Writing with Style, Part 2 - 7/8/24 (76:58)
Apex Strategy Session - Canva 101- 7/1/2024 (82:06)
Apex Strategy Session - Deon McAdoo - Ingramspark - 06/24/2024 (76:15)
Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Book Hop - 06/17/24 (79:19)
Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Chaotic Order with Notion for Book Launch - 06/10/24 (73:11)
Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Book Launch example - 06/03/24 (94:06)
Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Foreshadowing - 5/27/24 (72:12)
Apex Strategy Session - Alex Smith - An Introduction to bookvault - 5/20/24 (86:59)
Apex Strategy Session - Deon McAdoo - Distribute Like A Pro - 5/13/24 (85:10)
Apex Strategy Session - What is an ISBN- 05/06/2024 (69:25)
Apex Strategy Session - John Sableski - Best Practices for Booksignings- 04/29/2024 (84:49)
Apex Strategy Session - More on Getting Reviews - 04/22/2024 (77:40)
Apex Strategy Session - How To Join a Writers Ring - 04/15/2024 (77:03)
Mark Leslie Lefebvre - Draft2Digital and going wide - 4/8/24 (75:29)
Apex Strategy Session - Book Tours - 04/01/2024 (71:53)
Apex Strategy Session - Reading - 03/25/2024 (69:30)
Apex Strategy Session - 03/18/2024 (76:07)
Kerrie Flanagan - Why CraveBooks 3/11/2024 (81:21)
Damon Courtney - Book Funnel - Your Books, Your Readers, Your Money: Selling Direct for Fans and Profit! - 3/4/24 (83:29)
Philip Janowski - Skip the Slush Pile!: Pitching Agents Directly by - 2/26/24 (77:13)
Tammy Burke - Why Network? and How to Make it Easier - 2/19/24 (73:52)
Apex Readings - 2/12/24 (73:45)
Tammy Burke- So I Have a Newsletter, Now What? - 2/5/23 (71:32)
Faith L. Justice - Cracking the Audiobook Market - 1/29/24 (83:51)
Tammy Burke - Themes Using Robert McKee’s Thematic and John Truby’s Conflict Squares - 1/22/24 (75:52)
Philip Duncan - AME - 1/15/24 (86:11)
Tammy Burke - How to Factor In Your Authoring Project Timeline- 1/8/23 (81:43)
2024 Apex Accelerator
Forrest Wolverton - 10/17/2024 (66:24)
Forrest Wolverton - 10/10/2024 (59:27)
Forrest Wolverton - 10/03/2024 (62:54)
Forrest Wolverton - 09/26/2024 (57:06)
Forrest Wolverton - 09/19/2024 (65:13)
Forrest Wolverton - 09/12/2024 (49:08)
Forrest Wolverton - 09/05/2024 (73:21)
Forrest Wolverton - 08/22/2024 (62:19)
Forrest Wolverton - 08/15/2024 (61:54)
Forrest Wolverton - 08/08/2024 (69:14)
Forrest Wolverton - 08/01/2024 (69:05)
Forrest Wolverton - 07/25/2024 (70:15)
Forrest Wolverton - 07/18/2024 (76:26)
Forrest Wolverton - 06/27/2024 (62:43)
Forrest Wolverton - 06/20/2024 (57:07)
Forrest Wolverton - 06/13/2024 (58:40)
Forrest Wolverton - 06/06/2024 (55:06)
Forrest Wolverton -05/23/2024 (63:03)
Forrest Wolverton -05/16/2024 (64:07)
Forrest Wolverton -05/09/2024 (61:25)
Forrest Wolverton -05/02/2024 (63:28)
Forrest Wolverton - 04/18/2024 (60:20)
Forrest Wolverton - 04/11/2024 (79:24)
Forrest Wolverton - 04/04/2024 (70:02)
Forrest Wolverton - 03/28/2024 (56:58)
Forrest Wolverton - 03/21/2024 (56:14)
Forrest Wolverton - 03/14/2024 (69:44)
Forrest Wolverton - 2/29/24 (56:57)
Forrest Wolverton - 2/22/24 (64:25)
Forrest Wolverton - 2/1/24 (80:38)
Forrest Wolverton - 1/25/24 (69:58)
Forrest Wolverton - 1/11/24 (88:36)
Forrest Wolverton - 1/08/24 (67:09)
2023 Apex Masterminds
Tys Grenz - Worldbuilding: Headache or Happiness 12/30/23 (83:57)
Peter Orullian's "The Bell Ringer" (Part 2) - 12/23/23 (73:52)
Peter Orullian's "The Bell Ringer" (Part 1) - 12/18/23 (100:19)
John Jensen, Guinness World - How I wrote the World Record Game of DnD - 12/16/23 (89:14)
James Scott Bell - Middles - 12/9/23 (93:19)
Jana Brown - From a Certain Point of View - 12/11/23 (87:55)
Daniel Yocom - Through the Eyes of a Book-blogger - 12/4/23 (77:30)
Julie Bouche - Personalizing the Hero's Journey - 12/2/23 (97:16)
Christopher Vogler - Hero's Journey and More - 11/20/23 (102:43)
Ryan Bouche - The Writer's Game Plan: Gamification Strategies to Hook Readers - 11/18/23 (21:48)
Author Maria V. Snyder - Behind the Curtains - 11/13/23 (74:06)
D.J. (Dave) Butler - Self-Editing for Muscular Prose - 11/11/23 (73:00)
Danuta E. Raine - Writers Residencies, Retreats and Masterclasses - 11/6/23 (87:20)
Logan R. Kearsley - The Magic of Linguistics: Using Linguistics as the Science in Science Fiction - 11/4/23 (90:19)
Savannah Gilbo - Overview of Genre and Obligatory scenes + Conventions (and why conventions are different than genres) - 10/30/23 (82:09)
Kevin J Anderson - Kickstarters, Patreon, Dictation & AMEs - 10/28/23 (76:58)
Mastermind Community Meetup - 10/23/23 (82:24)
Tys Grenz’s presentation - UNinteresting...UNoriginal...UNdo it: Defy Expectations * Risk Creative Comfort! - 10/21/23 (81:40)
Tys Grenz - Contents, Covers and Choice, Judging a Book By its Cover and more - 10/16/23 (82:33)
Jana S. Brown - Book Funnel & Other Authoring Service Platforms - 10/14/23 (90:53)
Randall Wright - Now what? I still haven't written the next Harry Potter - 10/9/23 (85:00)
Jennifer Hilt - Tropes: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - 10/7/23 (81:35)
DJ Butler - Tactical and Strategic Uses of Short Stories - 10/2/23 (78:12)
Thomas Umstattd Jr - The Art of Persuasion - 9/30/23 (77:46)
Mary Buckham - Writing Active Setting - 9/25/23 (83:51)
Brenda Sills - The Power of Writing from the Crow’s Nest - 9/23/23 (69:29)
Nick Mills - Storytelling of the Fourth Kind - 9/18/23 (71:54)
Jana Brown - 3...2...1... Blastoff: Launch Strategies and Setting Expectations - 9/16/2023 (66:59)
Mastermind Meetup conversation re aliens and other things - 9/11/23 (77:46)
Marie Lamba - First Pages - 9/9/23 (83:13)
Maura Casey - Opeds as marketing tool: Embrace your expertise, but brainstorm the angle - 9/2/23 (80:46)
Tammy Burke - Stepping into Yourself: Embracing Authenticity and Personal Growth - 8/28/23 (81:17)
Jana Brown - Author Aware, Avoiding Bad Actors and Protecting Your Business - 8/26/23 (69:17)
Tys Grenz - The Anatomy of a Protagonizing Protagonist: Being the hero your world needs you to be - 8/21/22 (80:54)
Lyn Worthen - How (Not) to Annoy an Acquisition Editor - 8/19/23 (73:06)
Jana S. Brown - Using Book Promotion Sites - 8/14/23 (97:43)
Tys Grenz - The Anatomy of the Antagonizing Antagonist - 8/12/23 (96:23)
Christine Nielson - What Editors Wish Writers Knew and What Writers Wish Editors Knew (with a emphasis on not changing the author's voice) - 8/7/23 (82:58)
DJ Butler - Revenge as a Career Strategy (and the Alternative) - 8/5/23 (71:38)
Jana S. Brown - Making Mushy Middles into Magic - 7/31/23 (81:20)
Tys Grentz - Excavating Your Worldbuilding: Using Archeology to Dig Up Context, Cultivate Your Societies and Create Structure - 7/29/23 (87:19)
Angela Ackerman - Hidden Emotion and Subtext: Making Dialogue Crackle with What Isn’t Said - 7/24/23 (90:56)
Colby Dunn - Writing Credible Combat and weapons clinic -7/22/23 (91:02)
Forrest Wolverton - Falling in Love w Feeling Good - 7/17/23 (77:22)
Lyn Worthen - How Many Words for Snow? (aka A Discussion of Cultural Anthropology in Fiction) - 7/15/23 (90:55)
Robert Defendi - Death by Cliche (or How to and Not to Cliche) - 7/10/23 (87:07)
Forrest Wolverton - Voice - 7/8/23 (95:52)
Tys Grenz - Rationale and Magic, The System for Wonder in Your World - 7/1/23 (89:08)
John Brown - The First Key to Keeping Readers Hooked - 6/26/23 (82:46)
Tys Grentz - Allies, Underlings & Lackeys - 6/24/2023 (71:53)
Danuta E. Raine - Let’s Talk Books: The Return of the Otherworld and The Mathematician's Alice - 6/19/23 (90:09)
Lyn Worthen - Let's Talk Dialogue - 6/17/23 (92:01)
Hildy Silverman - What an Editor Looks For - 6/12/23 (82:18)
Jana S Brown - Technical Writing and Freelance Services - 6/10/23 (91:35)
Robert J. Defendi - Endings - 6/5/23 (105:10)
Forrest Wolverton - Your Story Matters - 06/03/23 (82:55)
MA Nichols - Writing Romance Plots and Subplots - 05/29/23 (83:01)
Lyn Worthen - The ABCs of a Good Critique - 5/27/23 (71:46)
Tys Grenz - Spinners, Singers and Scary Old Ladies: a glance at feminine archetypes across the globe - 05/22/23 (88:32)
Jess Smart Smiley - Zines - 05/20/23 (97:34)
Danuta Raine - Literary Analysis and the Art of Talking about Books - 05/15/23 (94:04)
Jana S. Brown - The Power of No - 05/13/23 (64:46)
Tammy Burke - Zen Between Sword and Pen - 05/08/23 (90:26)
Forrest Wolverton - 05/06/23 (82:31)
Lyn Worthen - Character Voice (aka Diving into Deep POV) - 05/01/23 (93:09)
Chad Allen - Lead Magnets and growing your audience - 04/29/23 (62:18)
Mary Buckham - Hooks - 04/25/23 (89:14)
Laura Shanae Randant - The Legal Landscape of A.I Art - 04/22/23 (95:14)
Jana S. Brown - Author Branding, Creating the Best You - 04/17/23 (81:22)
Jared Quan - The Value of, and How to Become a TEDx Speaker - 04/15/23 (79:52)
Tys Grenz - Braided Narratives VS Broken Narratives - 04/10/23 (79:11)
Lyn Worthen - Sharpening Your Short Story Skills - 04/08/23 (84:09)
Daniel Schwabauer - Five Elements of Story - 04/03/23 (90:41)
Forrest Wolverton - 04/01/23 (85:05)
Beth Barany - The Branding for Novelists, Draft Your Author Branding Statement - 3/27/23 (103:31)
Pattie Giordani & Tina Gallagher - Marketing for Introverts and Extroverts - 03/25/23 (78:10)
Lisa Cron - Hardwired for Story - 03/20/23 (99:18)
CJ Anaya - The importance of Market Research - 03/18/23 (68:16)
Jodi Milner - Imposter Syndrome and Mental Health for Authors - 03/13/23 (58:10)
TD Storm - the Taxonomy of Tension - 03/11/23 (70:50)
Savannah Gilbo - Writing Well-Structured Scenes - 03/06/23 (76:07)
Forrest Wolverton - 03/04/23 (65:10)
Michael Hauge - Seduce the Reader in the First 10 pages - 02/27/2023 (83:06)
John M Olsen - Why Write Short Stories? - 02/25/2023 (85:13)
Mike Thayer & C.R. Rowenson - Making Your Magic Matter - 02/20/23 (84:39)
Mike Jack Stoumbos - The Origin of "Don't Polish Off the Snags" - The Phrase Itself and the Mindest - 02/18/23 (79:27)
Michael A Ventrella - "What Themed Anthology Editors Look For” - 02/13/23 (78:13)
Tyson Dutton - Resolute Silliness (brainstorming for ideas & getting to flow) - 02/11/23 (88:11)
Forrest Wolverton - 02/06/23 (80:44)
Kevin J Anderson - Kickstarter and A.M.A. 02/04/23 (89:49)
September Fawkes - The Triarchy Method - 01/30/23 (81:55)
Jana S Brown - Beyond the Triangle - The geometry of romance and relationships -01/28/23 (84:37)
Jonathan Maberry - Query Letters & Synopsis - 01/23/23 (64:43)
L. Palmer - Workshopping Your Blurb - 01/21/23 (60:33)
Brenda Sills - The View: Quantum Physics and the Creative You 1/16/23 (83:32)
Memorial call for Dave - What Would Dave Do? Stories of Dave - 01/14/23 (86:59)
Jessica Day George - Fairy Tales - 01/09/23 (82:04)
2023 Strategy Sessions
Philip Janowski - Writing Conferences & Conventions: An Overview - 12/18/23 (75:08)
Tammy Burke - Process to Get Your Book into the World - 12/4/23 (71:19)
Tammy Burke - How to Utilize Book Bloggers to get Reviews - 11/27/23 (83:24)
Strategy Reading Event - 11/20/23 (76:02)
Morgan Gist MacDonald - AMAZON OPTIMIZATION - 11/13/23 (86:36)
Community Meet-Up - Writing Conferences - What things Can Be Gotten From Them - 11/6/23 (77:54)
Lawrence Knorr, Founder/CEO of Sunbury Press, Inc., - Top Ten Ways to Sell More Books - 10/30/23 (87:47)
Apex Strategy Session - Bitsy Kemper - 31-Day Author Platform Challenge - 10/23/23 (95:49)
Strategy Community Meet - Writing w Style, part 1 discussion - 10/16/23 (72:36)
Mike Jack Stoumbos -The Road to WriMo: Planning, Scheduling, and Goal-Setting Success for Your Novel - 10/9/23 (83:04)
Let's Talk More about the Art of Persuasion - 10/2/23 (72:28)
Community Meet-up Discussion on past presentations - 9/25/23 (82:55)
Dianna Sinovic - Revision Roadmap - 9/18/23 (76:10)
Bryan Thomas Schmidt - Four Research Strategies to up Your Game - 9/11/23 (78:08)
Rich Ehisen - Acing the Interview on Both Sides of the Mic - 8/28/23 (77:29)
Morgan Gist MacDonald - Paper Raven - launching multiple books in a series & growing your author platform off the back of your books - 8/21/22 (88:44)
Discussion on David Farland's Advertising as an Author - 8/14/23 (79:05)
Impromptu Apexer discussion on audiobooks & revision - 8/7/23 (49:23)
Tammy Burke - Revision Questions to Ask - 7/31/23 (75:08)
Day Leitao - Tools, Resources and Tips for Author Collaboration - 7/24/23 (73:44)
Strategy Community Meet-up - 7/17/23 (83:48)
Paul Lubaczewski - Humor, the Missing Element - 7/10/23 (77:51)
Tammy Burke - Personality Car Model - 6/26/23 (71:22)
Martin L. Shoemaker - On Being a Dictator, 2023 Edition - 6/19/2023 (78:57)
Tara McKee - The Science of Where: Using Esri's ArcGIS Software to Understand Your US-based Readers on a Deeper Level - 6/12/23 (86:08)
Ask Apexers Anything: Community Meet-Up (overview how to find things) - 6/5/23 (79:06)
Community Strategy Meet - 05/29/23 (76:48)
Ka’yil Shaw - Introduction to AI for Creatives - 05/22/23 (77:52)
Zara Altair - Difference Between Evidence, Clues & Red Herrings w 10 ways to Hide Your Clues - 05/15/23 (84:45)
Samantha Edens - A Wizard's Guide to Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - 05/08/2023 (72:38)
Mona Storm - Compelling Social Media Content for Wizards - 05/08/2023 (72:38)
Joshua Dyer - Using Your 5 Senses to Help You Show Rather than Tell - 05/01/2023 (73:45)
Community meet. How to find Book comps. - 04/24/23 (76:54)
Day Leitao - Hook Them or Lose Them - 04/17/23 (70:10)
Nikki Auberkett - Founder and Developmental Editor of Tala Editorial, LLC - 04/10/23 (79:11)
Jason Brick - Social Media - 04/03/23 (78:39)
Angel Ackerman, Parisian Phoenix - 03/20/23 (77:59)
Russell Noheltyr - -Fund Your Book with Kickstarter’ - Writer MBA - 03/13/23 (81:19)
Russell Noheltyr - 'Fund Your Book with Kickstarter’ - 03/13/23 (81:19)
Mark Leslie Lefebvre - WIDE FOR THE WIN: Successful publishing across numerous platforms in multiple formats - 03/06/23 (85:34)
Joe Solari – Starting Your Own Writing Business - 02/27/2023 (92:59)
Brenden Pugh - More Notion - 02/20/23 (78:45)
Scot Noel, editor at DreamForge - What he looks for in magazine short stories - 02/13/23 (68:40)
Alison Cowling - Websites - 02/06/23 (88:45)
Patrick Hopkins & Morgan Hazelwood– Five Biggest Semantic Problems w/Pitches & Synopses and How to Fix Them - 01/30/23 (82:14)
Brian Feinblum - Book marketing guru - 01/23/2023 (80:58)
Tyson – Monsters - 01/16/2023 (91:56)
Connie B. Dowell – Newsletters - 01/09/2023
Strategizing the New Year! - 01/02/2023 (64:02)
2023 Accelerator Meetings
Apex Accelerator - 07/26/23 (84:14)
Apex Accelerator - 07/19/23 (71:31)
Apex Accelerators - 7/12/23 (63:00)
Apex Accelerators - 7/5/23 (77:07)
Apex Accelerators - 6/21/2023 (76:33)
Apex Accelerators - 6/14/23 (65:50)
Apex Accelerators - 6/7/23 (75:45)
Apex Accelerator - 05/31/23 (99:32)
Apex Accelerator - 05/24/23 (69:51)
Apex Accelerator - 05/17/23 (70:15)
Apex Accelerator - 05/10/23 (77:25)
Apex Accelerator - 05/03/23 (83:45)
Apex Accelerator - 04/27/23 (93:38)
Apex Accelerator - 04/19/23 (62:41)
Apex Accelerator - 04/12/23 (86:11)
Apex Accelerator - 04/05/23 (83:35)
Apex Accelerator - 03/29/23 (81:03)
Apex Accelerator -03/23/23 (89:16)
Apex Accelerator - 03/24/23 (89:16)
Apex Accelerator - 03/15/23 (64:15)
Apex Accelerator - 03/08/23 (82:55)
Apex Accelerator - 03/01/23 (63:29)
Apex Accelerator - 02/22/23 (67:08)
Apex Accelerator - 02/15/23 (86:48)
Gladius Sovereign, Creator of Sovereign Mind Method - 02/08/23 (89:51)
Apex Accelerator - 02/01/23 (66:23)
Apex Accelerator - 01/25/23 (178:46)
Apex Accelerator - 01/18/23 (91:46)
Apex Accelerator - 01/11/23 (84:35)
The Art of Change - Act Act 1 Believe Part 2
The Art of Change - Act Act 1 Believe Part 1
Apex Accelerator - 01/03/23 (87:48)
2022 Apex Masterminds
DJ Butler - Stories of Light - 12/19/2022 (76:41)
Darcy Love - The Power of (at least occasionally) Working Under Pressure - 12/17/22 (64:36)
The Art of Change (Something New from Forrest Wolverton) - 12/12/22 (91:06)
Jana S. Brown - Genre Definitions and Tropes - 12/10/22 (86:02)
Johnny Worthen and the Dalai Lama - A Dharmavinaya (Buddhism) approach to becoming a better writer - 12/05/2022 (70:56)
Forrest Wolverton - Motivation Mastermind - 12/3/22 (77:37)
Lisa Mangum - Writing Lessons-Questions and Answers - 11/28/22 (88:57)
George McEwan - Storytelling and True Lies - 11/21/2022 (67:29)
Tys Dutton - Map-based plotting "Following the breadcrumbs" - 11/19/22 (75:57)
Peter Orullian - the Storytelling in, and the Making of "The Bell Ringer" - 11/15/22 (131:48)
Kevin J. Anderson - Productivity, *AME, Dune, Publishing, etc. 11/12/22 (90:11)
Jana S. Brown - When Two Heads are Better than One - 11/07/22 (63:07)
Motivation Mastermind with Forrest Wolverton 11/05/22
Danuta Raine - Artistic Sensibility and Creative Discernment 10/31/22 (84:11)
Amy White & Wendy Folsom - More Cracking the Story Code (FSNA) 10/29/22 (103:18)
J.C. (Jen) Cervantes - Leaning into the fear of creation (with a touch of Mayan Mythology) - 10/24/22 (83:36)
Lisa Mangum - Writing Lessons from Supernatural the T.V. Show - 10/17/22 (69:02)
Tys Grenz - "There is No Spoon: Prewriting Techniques to Avoid Writer's Block" - 10/10/2022 (66:38)
Forrest Wolverton - It's Not Enough to Want to be an Author - 10/08/22 (67:20)
Gary Goldstein - Beyond Your Book: What's Possible? - 10/03/2022 (91:41)
Claudia Mills - Transmitting Ethical Values to Young Readers Through Children's Books: Do's and Don'ts - 10/01/22 (63:12)
Aaron Johnston - Writing for Comics - 09/26/22 (63:48)
Craig Nybo - Habits that Weaken Prose, and Sensory Prose Character Development - 09/24/22 (61:02)
Larry Martin - Writing, Film and QA Discussion 09/16/22 (107:07)
Forrest Wolverton - Introduction to Letting Your Intuition Flow - 09/10/22 (68:47)
Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues Pt. 3 - 09/03/2022 (88:13)
Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Creating Tongues part 2 - 08/29/2022 (82:45)
Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues part 1 - 08/27/2022 (85:41)
Amy White - Plot Pattern Analysis (Cracking the Story Code) - 08/22/22 (91:00)
Jana S. Brown - Newsletters and Promos - 08/20/22 (78:45)
Peter O'Rullien - Music in Writing, Musical Magic Systems - 08/15/22 (81:25)
Jana Brown - Wide Distribution and Moving Beyond Amazon - 08/13/2022 (88:05)
Todd Gallowglass - Live Storytelling - 08/08/2022 (76:47)
Jana Brown - Newsletters, Pen Name, or? - 08/01/2022 (77:00)
Dave Chesson - Atticus Update - Focus on Keywords and Categories - 07/30/2022 (93:38)
Kevin Beggs - Lionsgate T.V. - 07/25/2022 (77:53)
D.J. Butler - Query Letters -07/23/2022 (98:15)
Shree - Hidden Bias Part 2 - 07/18/2022 (76:45)
Cat Girczyc - Writing for TV Part 2 - 07/16/2022 (85:23)
Shree - Handling Bias Pt. 1 - 07/11/22 (70:41)
Cat Girczyc - Writing for TV Part 1 - 07/09/2022 (84:42)
Blake Casselman - Adapting a Novel to a Graphic Novel - 06/27/22 (80:01)
Jana Brown - Self Publishing - 06/25/2022 (78:07)
Brad Frazer Attorney - Copyright and Publishing - 06/20/22 (79:35)
Jane Yolen - Writing for Children of All Ages - 06/18/2022 (81:10)
Sarah Rhea Werner - Starting and Running Your Own Podcast - 06/13/22 (81:40)
Joaquin Baldwin - Worldbuilding with Maps - 06/06/22 (77:03)
Forrest Wolverton - Reputation - 06/04/22 (75:00)
Carol Lynch Williams - Emotion in Writing - 05/28/22 (78:39)
Dominique Replogle - Literature and Music - 05/21/22 (84:00)
Melissa McShane - Preventing Sagging Middles - 05/16/22 (77:43)
Jana S. Brown - Writing to Market - 05/14/22 (82:27)
Rand Fishkin - SparkToro - 05/09/22 (73:25)
Natalia and Cat - Guided Mediation for Blocks - 05/07/22 (81:40)
Jan Nerenberg - "Impossibly Possible" - 05/02/22 (76:03)
Daniel Yocom - Writing for Other People's Intellectual Property - 04/30/22 (77:02)
Daniel Craig Friend - Including Politics in Your Writing - 04/25/22 (73:54)
Gama Ray Martinez - Mythology - 04/23/22 (50:12)
Jody Lynn Nye - General Q & A - 04/18/22 (81:45)
Daniel Swenson - Harnessing Unexpected Sparks of Creation - 04/16/22 (81:55)
Ben Hewett - Writing About Outer Space - 04/11/22 (79:25)
Logan R. Kearsley - Linguistics for Writers - 04/09/2022 (75:37)
Mike Thayer - School Visits and Presentations - 04/04/2022 (80:44)
John M. Olsen - Overcoming a Fear of Failure - 03/28/2022 (72:51)
Stephen Gashler - Theatricals - 03/26/2022 (75:30)
DJ Butler - His Career and Q & A - 03/21/2022 (76:16)
Forrest Wolverton - Exercises and Mediation - 03/19/2022 (74:19)
Rafael Hohmann - Writer's Journey - 03/14/2022 (75:55)
Jeanette Strode - Self Publishing: No Holds Barred - 03/12/2022 (78:20)
Robert Hatch- “Director” - 03/07/2022 (171:22)
Annie Oswald - Knowing Your Audience - 03/05/2022 (87:31)
Damon Courtney- Bookfunnel - 02/28/2022 (79:20)
Laura Gale - The Hidden Life of Ghostwriters - 02/26/2022 (77:13)
Richard Thomas- Personal experience and AME - 02/21/2022 (86:39)
Janet Margot - Amazon Ads - 02/19/2022 (80:30)
Rafael Hohmann - - 02/16/2022 (82:36)
Joe Monson - - 02/14/2022 (86:18)
Victorine Liesk - Self-pubbed & hit NY Times best selling ebook list - 02/12/2022 (77:03)
David B. Coe - - 02/07/2022 (79:02)
Catherine Kent & Forrest - 02/05/2022 (77:24)
L J Martin - "Author of 40 western, historical, mystery, and thriller novels" & Q&A - 01/31/2022 (84:29)
Elise Kova - Independent Publishing - 01/29/2022 (79:30)
Linda Addison - Making the Most of Conventions and General Q & A - 01/24/2022 (76:47)
Forrest Wolverton 01/23/2022 (59:40)
Jami Crumpton - Mailing Lists & Newsletters - 01/22/2022 (90:37)
Sarah Noffke - Productivity and Craft - 01/17/2022 (66:54)
October Santerelli - Writing LGBTQ+ Characters & Sensitivity Reading - 01/10/2022 (58:25)
Brandon and Deb Yager - Overcoming False Constructs - 01/08/2022 (76:13)
Angie Hodapp - Publishing Contracts - 01/03/2022 (66:43)
Apex Strategy Meetings 2021 - 2022
Jennifer Rose – Plotter - 12/12/22 - Strategy (81:48)
Share Your Writing with the Community - 12/05/22 - Strategy (72:53)
Erin M. Brown- The Plot and Structure Master Guide - 11/28/22 - Strategy (93:55)
Brenden Pugh - Creator of Writing Quest - 11/21/22 - Strategy (62:58)
Don Lafferty - How to Strategize and Exceed Marketing Goals and Networking - 11/15/22 - Strategy (68:07)
Amy Hopkins - Newsletters and mailing lists - 11/7/22 - Strategy (60:18)
Halloween First Paragraphs 10/31/22 (99:56)
Kathryn Craft -"Raiders of the Lost Arc" 10/25/22 (91:39)
Jana Stocks Brown - Preparing for NaNoWriMo - 10/17/2022 - Strategy (63:54)
Rebecca Treasure Schibler - Pitches and Agents - 10/10/22 - Strategy (64:51)
Crystal Bechler - Save the Cat - 10/03/2022 (57:25)
AmyHopkins_Newsletters_9_12_22 (83:24)
Tyson L. Dutton - Campbell's monomyth vs today's interpretation and Cosmogenic Cycle No One Mentions from Hero with 1k Faces - 08/29/2022 - Strategy (78:38)
Brenda Carre - Brainstorming - 08/22/2022 - Strategy (80:01)
Michelle Jeffries - -How to Apply Structure in Different Story Scenarios - 08/15/2022 - Strategy (80:21)
Amey Ziegler – Creating Memorable Fiction - 08/08/2022 - Strategy (79:19)
Wulf Moon - Release the Kraken - Achieving Flow State - 08/01/2022 - Strategy (83:48)
Tammy Burke - Story Embryo - 07/25/2022 - Strategy (76:36)
Joaquin Baldwin - Mapmaking - 7/18/2022 - Strategy (76:06)
Matt Wright - From Pantser to Outliner - 07/11/2022 - Strategy (74:45)
Pat Hauldren - Genre Tropes - 06/27/2022 - Strategy (72:22)
Mike Jack Stoumbos - Short Story Structures - 06/20/2022 - Strategy (73:40)
Mike Jack Stoumbos - Quick & Dirty Novel Planning - 06/13/22 - Strategy (94:58)
Miles English - Writing a Series pt. 2 - 06/06/22 - Strategy (76:38)
C Michelle Jeffries - Writing a Series pt.1 - 05/23/22 - Strategy (71:33)
Cherise Papa- Advanced Word Features - 05/16/22 - Strategy (80:46)
Martin Shoemaker - Dragon Dictation - 05/09/22 - Strategy (79:55)
Judith Moffitt - Scrivener - 05/02/22- Strategy (78:31)
Mariah Ankenman - Booktok - 04-25-22 - Strategy (73:48)
Tim Frankovitch - Scrivener - 04/18/22 - Strategy (72:56)
Trem Sutcliffe - Scrivener - 04/11-2022 - Strategy (76:56)
Debbie Maxwell Allen - Scrivener - 04/04/2022 - Strategy (80:12)
Deborah Wulf - Query Letters - 03/28/2022 - Strategy (77:14)
AJ Benson - Your Apex Strategy: The Big Picture - 03/14/2022 - Strategy (64:09)
Len Berry - Patreon - 03/07/2022 - Strategy (80:16)
Matt Wright - Writers Tools: Aeon Timeline - 03/21/2022 - Strategy (77:28)
02/28/2022 - Strategy (75:13)
AJ Benson - Which Path (part 2) - 02/21/22 - Strategy (75:19)
AJ Benson - Which Path (part 1) 02/14/2022 - Strategy (78:24)
AJ Benson - Writing Tools - 02/07/2022 - Strategy (62:46)
AJ Benson - Writing Tools - 01/31/2022 - Strategy (73:52)
AJ Benson - - 01/24/2022 - Strategy (76:18)
AJ Benson - Amazon Specifics: Algorithms, Vella - 01/17/2022 - Strategy (76:31)
Martin Shoemaker - Making Story Models - 1/10/2022 - Strategy (53:39)
Martin Shoemaker - Making Story Models - 1/03/2022 - Strategy (53:33)
David Farland - Advertising - 12/27/2021 - Strategy (57:38)
Mark Stallings - Building Your Street Team - 12/20/2021 - Strategy (63:25)
AJ Benson - Book Covers - 12/13/2021 - Strategy (40:36)
Aj Benson - Audiobooks - 12/06/2021 - Strategy (43:41)
AJ Benson - Self-publishing - 11/29/2021 - Strategy (50:18)
David Farland -Parsing Out Book Rights - 11/22/2021 - Strategy (54:21)
David Farland - Creating Your List - 11/15/2021 - Strategy (54:16)
AJ Benson - Websites - 11/01/2021- Strategy (60:03)
AJ Benson - Making A Career Plan - 10/25/2021 - Strategy (66:50)
AJ Benson - Multiple Income Streams - 10/11/2021 - Strategy (59:10)
AJ Benson - Marketing - 10/04/2021 - Strategy (52:44)
AJ Benson - Desired Outcomes and Marketing to the Right Audience - 09/27/2021 - Strategy (59:26)
David Farland - How Traditional Publishing Works - 09/20/2021 - Strategy (68:35)
2022 Apex Accelerator Meetings
Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/28/22 (86:46)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/21/22 (81:54)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/14/22 (65:49)
Apex Accelerator Meeting - The Psychology of Change -12/7/22 (76:03)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/30/2022 (89:27)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 11_27_2022 (67:05)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 11_17_22 (73:13)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/09/22 (67:21)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/09/22 (67:21)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_28_22 (74:14)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_20_22 (75:54)
Apex_Accelerator_Meeting_04-13-22 (78:01)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_06_2022 (75:22)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_30_2022 (79:38)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_23_2022 (67:56)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_16_2022 (82:22)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_09_2022 (77:40)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 02_23_2022 (59:40)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 01_12_2022 (59:19)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 02_09_2022 (65:43)
Apex Accelerator Meeting 05_04_22 (85:24)
Apex Favorites
Gary Goldstein 10_03_2022 - Beyond Your Book: What's Possible? (91:41)
Brandon Sanderson 11_03_2021 (56:47)
Dan Wells 11_01_2021 (68:39)
Michael Anderle (72:29)
Orson Scott Card 09/19/2020 (101:30)
M A Rothman 10_02_2021 (58:35)
Deborah Chester (90:11)
Toni Weisskopf - Baen Publishing 04_07_2020 (59:05)
Kevin J Anderson_Apexcall_4-11-2021_1 (68:04)
Aleron Kong 11_13_2021 "LitRPG Writer" (67:40)
Jody Lynn Nye 04_18_22 - General Q & A (81:45)
J. Scott Savage 06_16_2020 (69:03)
Forrest Wolverton 02_09_2022 (65:43)
2021 Apex Conferences
Mindy Klasky - Switching Gears - 12/27/2021 (59:54)
Gail Carriger - Things to Know as an Author - 12/20/2021 (60:08)
David Farland - Q&A - 12/18/2021 (75:07)
Howard Tayler - Conversational Storytelling - 12/13/2021 (56:45)
Kenny Baldwin - Writing Comedy - 12/11/2021 (57:14)
Dave Chesson - Atticus Writing Software - 12/06/2021 (53:51)
David Farland - Q&A - 12/04/2021 (62:40)
Franklin Goldberg - Gaining an Amazon Advantage - 11/30/2021 (75:46)
Shawn Speakman - Terry Brooks interviews... - 11/22/2021 (61:56)
Kay Kenyon - Pacing - 11/20/2021 (80:59)
James A Owen - - 11/15/2021 (60:40)
Aleron Kong - LitRPG Writer - 11/13/2021 (67:40)
Michaelbrent Collings - "Horror Author" - 11/08/2021 (61:36)
Forrest Wolverton - 11/06/2021 (59:07)
Brandon Sanderson - Q&A - 11/03/2021 (56:47)
Dan & Dawn Wells - - 11/01/2021 (68:39)
Claudia Mills - Finding the Joy in Writing - 10/30/2021 (58:31)
TC Christensen - Screenplays - 10/25/2021 (61:19)
Rachel Ann Nunes - Dealing with Plagiarism - 10/23/2021 (62:03)
Troy Lambert - SEO and Keywords for Authors - 10/18/2021 (58:34)
Ken Baker - "Children's Book Author" - 10/16/2021 (63:49)
Julie Berry - The Last Shall be First: Building Great Secondary Characters - 10/11/2021 (59:19)
Forrest Wolverton - Master NLP Practitioner - 10/09/2021 (61:08)
Gary W Goldstein - "Author & Producer" - 10/04/2021 (69:42)
M A Rothman - Putting Science in Science Fiction - 10/02/2021 (58:35)
David Brin - "Hugo, Nebula award winning author" - 09/27/2021 (63:25)
Gama Martinez - "Fantasy Author dragons, legends, magic, mythology, monsters, fairy tales, adventure" - 09/25/2021 (60:04)
Kathie Purdie - Raising the Stakes - 09/20/2021 (69:23)
David_Farland - Finding Your Writing Bliss - 09/18/2021 (58:32)
Sam Payne - "Musician & Storyteller" - 09/13/2021 (62:01)
M A Rothman - Bestsellers: Making a List Run - 09/11/2021 (65:47)
Forrest Wolverton - 09/04/2021 (66:40)
M Todd Gallowglas - Respect, not Reverence - 08/31/2021 (60:15)
DJ Butler - Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts: 15 writing lessons your novel should learn from one Bob Dylan song -08/28/2021 (70:22)
John Kang - Self-Publishing - 08/24/2021 (65:52)
David Farland - Planning a Major Release - 08/21/2021 (60:55)
Kindle Vella Team - 08/17/2021 (59:11)
Monique Patterson - "Executive Editor, St. Martin's Press" - 08/14/2021 (60:26)
Paul Genesse - "Bestselling Author of The Iron Dragon series" - 08/10/2021 (58:34)
Forrest Wolverton - 08/07/2021 (72:58)
Devan Jensen - - 08/04/2021 (55:18)
Logan Kearsley - Show Don't Tell, Using Language - 07/31/2021 (58:25)
Rebekah R. Ganiere - "USA Today Bestselling Author" - 07/27/2021 (65:27)
M Todd Gallowglas - - 07/24/2021 (60:31)
Brandon Ho - 3 Beat Story Tree Breakdown - 07/20/2021 (61:12)
Craig Nybo - - 07/13/2021 (61:29)
Forrest Wolverton - 07/10/2021 (66:03)
AJ Benson Apex Writers - A Conjunction of Authors: How to Find the Right Group of Writers - 07/06/2021 (62:07)
Darren Callahan - "Writer/Director/Composer" - 06/29/2021 (60:03)
David Farland - Q&A - 06/26/2021 (62:54)
Dave Doering - Etiquette at Writing Conventions - 06/22/2021 (61:19)
Traci Abramson - - 06/19/2021 (63:04)
David Vandagriff - "IP Attorney Extraordinaire" Q&A (book law: copyrights and trademarks, etc.) - 06/15/2021 (68:00)
Forrest Wolverton - 06/12/2021 (85:57)
Ivy Smoak - "#1 Bestselling Romance Writer" - 06/08/2021 (76:03)
David Farland - How to Use Apex to Guide You Through Your Writers' Journey - 06/02/2021 (80:51)
Melinda Snodgrass - "Novelist, TV writer" - 05/26/2021 (72:23)
Mike Thayer - Story Structure - 5/22/2021 (76:53)
Kraig Wenman - "Screenwriter" - 05/18/2021 (77:40)
Michael Kramer and Kate Reading - "Audiobook Voice Talents" - 05/15/2021 (79:11)
Bruce Coville - "YA Author" - 05/12/2021 (78:12)
David Farland Q and A 05/08/21 (84:19)
Kevin Steverson - "SF Author" - 04/27/2021 (62:31)
Sheila Williams - "Editor for Asimovs Magazine" - 04/24/2021 (68:01)
Kevin Czarnecki - Media tie-ins, Audio Performance, & Deep Worldbuilding without Exposition - 04/20/21 (80:54)
Mike Thayer - - 04/17/2021 (66:36)
Kara and Issac Stewart - How they put together Brandon Sanderson's 6.7 million-dollar Kickstarter - 04/13/2021 (61:55)
Kevin J Anderson - A Perfect Storm: The Start of the Indie Publishing Movement - 04/11/2021 (68:04)
John Goodwin - Writers of the Future - 04/06/2021 (64:27)
Aaron Johnston - Writing for Television vs. Novels - 03/30/2021 (66:02)
Annie Oswald - Audio Books - 3/27/2021 (61:02)
Megan Lloyd - "Children's Illustrator" - 03/24/2021 (64:09)
Traci Hainsworth - Strategic Marketing - 03/20/2021 (65:09)
Tim Powers - "Twice-Winner of the World Fantasy Award" - 3/16/2021 (63:57)
Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge Training - 09/12/2021? (76:33)
JenniferBrozeck - Self-editing: From First Splat to Professional Finish How to Make Your Editors Love You - 03/09/2021 (62:51)
DavidFarland - Q&A - 03-06-2021 (68:11)
Roger Arias - Publishing: A Dossier for Success - 03/02/2021 (63:25)
David Farland - Q&A - 02/27/2021 (70:34)
Micheal J Sullivan - "NYT Best-Selling Author" - 02/23/2021 (72:51)
David Farland - Q&A - 02/20/2021 (54:27)
David Farland - - 02/16/2021 (61:36)
Dakota Krout - "Top 5 Fantasy Pick on Audible" - 02/12/2021 (59:46)
Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge Training - 02/06/2021 (78:39)
David Farland - Put Your Characters Through Their Paces - 02/05/2021 (58:45)
M. M. DeVoe - "Founder of Pen Parentis" - 01/30/2021 (60:10)
David Farland - Self Editing - 01/26/2021 (53:44)
David Farland- Don’t Leave Money on the Table - 01/23/2021 (10:13)
Sam Witt - Write Faster: Mindset, Process, Practice - 01/23/2021 (61:00)
Hayley Mill - ProWritingAid - 01/19/2021 (61:19)
Eric James Stone - "bestselling SF author" - 02/16/2021 (61:25)
Julie Czerenda - - 01/12/2021 (59:50)
Forrest Wolverton - 01/09/2021 (72:43)
Carol Berg - - 01/05/2021 (61:08)
2020 Apex Conferences
Elizabeth Chatsworth - her journey toward publication -12/27/2020 (66:24)
Forrest Wolverton - 12/26/2020 (73:46)
Mauli "Junior" Bonner - experiences & overcoming obstacles in making his award winning film "Green Flakes" - 12/22/2020 (50:35)
Kevin Beggs - "Lionsgate" - 12/15/2020 (91:28)
Traci Hainsworth - Hollywood Greenlighting Process - 12/08/20 (115:00)
Stacy Dymalski - Self-Publishing -12/05/20 (89:34)
Beth Meacham - "Editor at Tor" - 12/01/2020 (66:07)
Will White - An Author's Strategy for Success - 11/28/2020 (116:01)
David Farland: An Author’s Strategy for Success 12_08_20 (105:28)
Tracy Hickman - Dragon Lance - 11/21/2020 (93:52)
Forrest Wolverton 11/14/2020 (91:56)
Deborah Chester - "Internationally published, award-winning author" - 11/10/2020 (90:11)
Joanna Penn - Multiple Income Streams for Writers - 11/7/2020 (124:29)
Stephen Graham Jones - "New York Times bestselling author" - 10/31/2020 (80:51)
Dave Estes - "SF & Fantasy author" - 10/27/2020 (94:25)
Craig Martelle - Self Publishing Promotion -10/24/2020 (125:02)
Linda Addison - "writing the wild, unique voicing, & handling of rejection" - 10/20/2020 (94:47)
Forrest Wolverton - 10/17/2020 (71:52)
James Rollins - "#1 New York Times bestselling author of international thrillers" -10/13/2020 (69:30)
Stant Litore - "Writer, publisher, and dinosaur wrangler" - 10/11/2020 (64:48)
Larry Elmore - "American fantasy artist & illustrator" - 10/6/2020 (74:43)
David Farland - 10/3/2020 (60:56)
William Bernhardt - "bestselling author and one of the most sought-after writing instructor" - 9/29/2020 (67:47)
Forrest Wolverton - 9/26/2020 (82:34)
M. L. Wang - "Sword of Kaigen author" - 9/22/2020 (74:12)
Orson Scott Card - Hugo and Nebula Award-winning bestselling author" - 09/19/2020 (101:30)
Terry Brooks - "New York Times bestselling author" - 9/15/2020 (74:23)
Lazarus & Echo Chernik - Book Covers - 9/12/2020 (111:05)
Michael Anderle - Self-Publishing - 9/8/2020 (72:29)
JC Kang - Best Selling Author" - 09/05/2020 (61:40)
LE Modesitt Jr. - Economics in Fiction - 09/01/2020 (62:40)
Forrest Wolverton - 8/29/2020 (81:34)
David Farland - Apex Writers Crowdfunding Roundtable - 8/26/2020 (117:37)
Oren Litwin - How to Deal with Political Systems in Fiction 08/25/2020 (63:52)
Chris Fox - Marketing is Farming, Not Hunting - 8/22/2020 (60:13)
Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta - "Wordfire Press" - 08/18/2020 (64:57)
Mary Jane of Author Buzz - 08/15/2020 (61:32)
Wulf Moon - "Super Secrets creator & WoTF winner" - 8/11/20 (63:57)
David Farland - 08/08/2020 (60:10)
David Farland - Writers of the Future - 8/4/20 (65:11)
Jody Lynn Nye - "New York Times and USA Today bestseller" - 8/1/20 (67:10)
Dean Wesley Smith - "New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 200 novels" -7/28/20 (59:33)
Martin Shoemaker - putting humanity into science fiction - 07/25/2020 (64:44)
Carol Lynch Williams - "bestselling young adult author" - 07/21/2020 (58:46)
Amy White - Plotting: Story Code - 07/14/2020 (54:10)
Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge of Your Journey - 07/11/2020 (121:37)
S. D. Smith - "Middle Grade Indie Author" - 07/07/2020 (61:19)
J. Scott Bronson - Building Great Characters - 06/30/2020 (61:12)
David Farland - Contracts - 06/23/2020 (60:29)
J. Scott Savage - "MG and YA writer" - 06/16/2020 (69:03)
Forrest Wolverton - Motivations & Goals - 06/13/2020 (58:04)
James Hunter - "Author & owner-operator of Shadow Alley Press" - 06/09/2020 (61:42)
Mark Gottlieb - "Literary Agent" - 06/06/2020 (101:03)
David Farland (Better Race Relations) 06/02/2020 (62:24)
Marta Sprout - "thrillers & true crime author" - 05/30/2020 (59:54)
Lisa Mangum - "YA, editor Shadow Mountain Press" - 05/26/2020 (66:50)
James A. Owen - "illustrator, comic-book writer, inspirational writer" - 05/23/2020 (65:31)
Jonathan Maberry - "NYTimes Author" - 05/19/2020 (72:37)
David Farland - Movie Deals - 05/12/2020 (62:50)
Brian Meeks - Ad Master - 05/05/2020 (69:55)
Jeff Wheeler - writing strategies & flow state - 05/02/2020 (79:14)
David Farland - 04/28/2020 (66:50)
Adam Sidwell - Future House Publishing -04/25/2020 (82:23)
Robert J. Sawyer - Biggest Mistakes - 04/21/2020 (62:46)
David Farland - Advertising - 04/14/2020 (63:40)
David Farland - Outlines, Submissions, Themes, etc - 04/11/2020 (60:47)
Toni Weisskopf - "President of Baen Books" - 04/07/2020 (59:05)
Amy Jarecki - "#1 overall bestselling romance/historical writer" - 04/04/2020 (60:42)
John R. Mabry - "SF author" - 03/28/2020 (Audio Only) (61:31)
David Farland - 03/24/2020 (67:54)
Ed Elbert - "Movie Producer" - 03/21/2020 (69:25)
David Farland - Finding an Agent, Publisher, etc - 03/14/2020 (60:45)
David Farland - Infusing Believable Social Network in Stories - 03/10/2020 (65:19)
David Farland - landscape of fiction writing - 03/07/2020 (Audio Only) (64:10)
David Farland 03_03_2020 (70:38)
David Farland 02_29_2020 (58:59)
David Farland 02_25_2020 (60:45)
David Farland 02_18_2020 (65:44)
David Farland - Tolkien - 02/15/2020 (61:28)
David Farland 02_11_2020 (62:12)
David Farland - What Dave Looks for in an Author - 02/08/2020 (Audio Only) (58:12)
David Farland - SuperStars, blind spots, building audience, etc - 02/04/2020 (64:22)
David Farland 02_01_2020 (66:49)
David Farland 01_28_2020 (60:06)
David Farland 01_25_2020 (67:01)
David Farland 01_21_2020 (62:36)
David Farland 01_18_2020 (63:48)
David Farland 01_14_2020 (60:45)
David Farland 01_11_2020 (61:51)
David Farland 01_07_2020 (63:35)
David Farland 01_04_2020 (61:11)
Tracy Hickman - Dragon Lance - 11/21/2020
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