Apex Zoom Conferences & Accelerator Meetings
A compilation of all past and present Apex Zoom meetings. Check out conferences with experts like Brandon Sanderson, Joanna Penn, Terry Brooks, and Dan Wells.
Example Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- L. Diane Wolfe - Unique Marketing Tips - 2/22/25 (77:18)
- September C. Fawkes - The Principles of Perfect Pacing - 2/17/25 (81:30)
- Tys Grenz - Creating or Selecting the Mythology for Your World - 2/15/25 (97:45)
- Craig Nybo - Writing Like a Virtuoso - 2/10/25 (78:47)
- Mona Storm - Creating Realistic Companion Animals in Fiction - 2/8/25 (82:15)
- Matthew Bockholt - Writing Prompts: Perfecting Your Micro to Improve Your Macro - 2/3/25 (92:42)
- L. Diane Wolfe - How to Pitch Perfect: How to pitch to agents and publishers through query letters, pitch events, and in-person - 2/1/25 (81:57)
- Tys Grenz- Unbelievable Monsters - 1/27/25 (90:15)
- What Books Have Inspired You Most - A community meet-up - 1/25/25 (88:12)
- ARK Press Launch - Tony Daniel & Dave Butler - Pitches and Editing - 1/20/25 (88:09)
- Tys Grenz - Nature - A Most Powerful Antagonist and Villain - 1/18/25 (101:44)
- Open Mic readings and additional memories of Dave - 1/13/25 (78:46)
- Honoring Dave - 01/11/25 (209:34)
- Matt Bockholt - Writing Techniques and Insights: Know What You're Writing (rethinking "Write What You Know") - 01/06/25 (74:03)
- September C. Fawkes - Plot Turns, Turning Points, & Plot Points - 1/4/25 (85:22)
- Apex Masterminds Session - 1/25/25 (88:12)
Available in
after you enroll
- Open Mic Readings - 2/24/25 (66:29)
- Watch Party & Lecture - Double Feature with David Farland’s Rewriting to Greatness course - 2/17/25 (73:21)
- Community Meet-up - 2/10/25 (81:04)
- Tammy Burke - How to Find and Engage ARC Readers for a Successful Book Launch - 2/3/25 (69:36)
- Character Cafe - 1/27/25 (74:47)
- Mastering Author Interviews - 1/20/25 (88:29)
- Strategy - Watch Party - Obstacles, Setbacks, Deepening, and Broadening - 1/13/25 (76:05)
- Strategy - Tammy Burke - Street Team - 01/06/25 (78:27)
Available in
after you enroll
- Tys Grenz - Monsters Variations - 12/30/24 (94:27)
- Nick Mills & Brenda Sills - Pass The Candle - 12/23/24 (78:29)
- Dave Butler - Theory of the Sacred - 12.21.24 (106:11)
- Storm Humbert - World Building and Setting_Back to Front-Bottom to Top - 12.16.24 (75:18)
- Gracie York - Belief & Symbols in Your Writing - 12/14/24 (78:39)
- Danuta - The Billabong Method: The Magic of Mellowing - 12/09/24 (83:22)
- Jana S. Brown - Looking forward to, and Renewing for (writing in) 2025 - 12/07/27 (84:48)
- September C. Fawkes - The Voice! Author vs. Narrator vs. Character - 12/02/24 (82:25)
- Brenda Sills - Scientifical Creativus Illuminarium - 11/25/24 (86:52)
- Stephan Fassmann presenting Thanksgiving in Space and How to Jump Start Your Space Shuttle! - 11/23/24 (100:08)
- Kevin J. Anderson - 11/18/24 (85:05)
- Gracie York - Self-Publishing a Children’s Story: How are the “writing rules” different for children’s stories? - 11/16/24 (75:28)
- David Belt - Of Swords and Axes - Jokers, Villains and Heroes - Spells, Truth and Lies -11/11/24 (92:23)
- Community Meet-up - 11/9/24 (85:16)
- September C. Fawkes - Balancing the Lines: Dialogue, Description, Action, and Introspection - 11/4/24 (81:13)
- Venessa Giunta - Manuscript Corsetry: Tighten Up That Story! - 11/2/24 (82:34)
- Danuta Raine - Busking for Writers - 10/28/24 (85:41)
- Jolene MacFadden from Southern Dragon Publishing - Building Your Author Brand: Simple Steps to Gain More Readers - 10/26/24 (84:16)
- Adam Rushforth - The Blind Leading the Blind - 10/21/24 (79:17)
- John D. Payne - Finding Markets for Short Fiction - 10/19/24 (90:06)
- John D. Payne - Finding Markets for Short Fiction - 10/19/24 (90:06)
- Daniel David Wallace - How the Midpoint of Your Novel is Like a Knot - 10/14/24 (91:40)
- Tony Daniel - Dialogue - 10/12/24 (105:20)
- September C. Fawkes - Dialogue: Writing The Spoken Word - 10/07/24 (78:48)
- Tys Grenz - Find Your Passion to Start Writing Passion vs Inertia - 10/05/24 (78:58)
- Forrest Wolverton - Personal Reflections and Aligning Your Inner Stars - 9/30/24 (81:27)
- DJ (Dave) Butler - Reading - 9/28/24 (106:29)
- Henry Neff - Demystifying Voice - 9/23/24 (100:14)
- M.J. Rose - No one Can Buy a Book They've Never Heard of - 9/21/24 (87:36)
- Colby Dunn - Mastering the Elevator Pitch - 9/16/24 (77:39)
- Nick Mills - Trust Your Inner Storyteller - 9/15/24 (77:57)
- Claire Taylor - Enneagram for Authors - 09/09/24 (75:24)
- Troy Lambert - Career Pivots - 090724 (80:45)
- Troy Lambert - Career Pivots - 09/07/24 (80:45)
- September C. Fawkes - Allies to Rivals and Enemies to Lovers: Writing Relationship Arcs!- 09/02/24 (87:10)
- CJ Anaya - Subplots & Weaving Them into your Main Storyline - 08/31/24 (76:40)
- Danuta Raine - How Reading Wide Helps you Polish - 8/26/24 (88:35)
- Apex Mastermind - Dave Butler - 8/24/24 (80:13)
- Apex Mastermind Community Meetup - 8/19/24 (84:04)
- Forrest Wolverton - Heroes - 8/17/24 (0:57)
- Tys Grenz - Stories that Fulfill Profound Human Needs and Building a Fire in Your Readers - 08/12/24 (87:46)
- Dave Butler - You're Gonna Need a Bigger Pie - 08/10/24 (87:55)
- September C. Fawkes - Be Ye Steadfast and Immovable: Positive Characters Who Don’t Change - 8/5/24 (84:15)
- Jana S. Brown - The Power of Writing and Marketing a Series - 8/3/24 (78:35)
- Sarah Noffke - Unleashing the Writer Within – Motivation & Productivity -7/29/24 (89:41)
- Danielle Hampson - Media Book Marketing in the 21st Century - 7/27/24 (98:25)
- Storm Humbert - Every Word, a Story (the power & importance of word choice) - 7/22/24 (82:51)
- Logan Kearsley - Language Evolution - How Languages Change - 7/20/24 (93:26)
- Savannah Gilbo - How To Hook Readers In Your First Chapter -7/15/24 (81:08)
- Katharine Wibell - Author Networking & Its Literary Benefits - 7/13/24 (87:14)
- Daniel Blatt - A "Biblical" Overview of Greek Mythology - 7/8/24 (96:31)
- DJ (Dave) Butler - Can You be Your Own Developmental Editor - 7/6/24 (104:23)
- September Fawkes - Negative Character Arcs:Living the Lie - 7/01/24 (89:36)
- Sarah Noffke - Title forthcoming (motivation & productivity) - 6/29/24 (85:26)
- Apex Discussion and Resource Sharing - 6/29/24 (85:26)
- Matt Bockholt - Write What You Can't Say: Rethinking Show, Don't Tell - 6/24/24 (85:20)
- Forrest Wolverton - Connections in Our Authoring Life - 6/22/24 (99:52)
- Becca Lee Gardner - Your Creative Process - 6/17/24 (84:57)
- Dave Butler - Real World Magic and Magic Systems - 6/15/24 (99:48)
- Danuta - The Billabong Method for Developing Your Author Self - 6/10/24 (84:48)
- M Colin Alston - Nine Lines Under the Circle - 6/8/24 (83:27)
- John Goodwin – How to Promote Yourself - 6/3/24 (93:21)
- Jana S. Brown - Subscriptions and Serializations - 6/1/24 (81:50)
- Danuta - Discernment, An Author's Sixth Sense - 5/27/24 (85:30)
- Tys Grenz - Plan magic, religious, social and political systems - 5/25/24 (83:40)
- B Daniel Blatt - Myths & Archetypes in Story - 5/20/24 (84:25)
- DJ (Dave) Butler - AMA - 5/18/24 (91:18)
- Todd Fahnestock - Business: The difference between trad and indie - 5/11/24 (82:37)
- William Joseph Roberts - Topic on Moving past the 1st readers - 05/06/24 (91:06)
- Mica S. Kole - Best Bang for Your (Editorial) Buck: How to Get 10x the Value on Your Developmental Edit - 5/4/24 (86:28)
- Storm Humbert - Magic Systems as Metaphor - 4/29/24 (82:28)
- Kristina Stanley - Beyond Book 1: How to Structure an Entire Series in Advance - 4/27/24 (86:13)
- Joanna Penn - Question and Answer Session - 4/23/24 (70:38)
- Lisa Kastner - Building Your Writing Career from Scratch - 4/22/24 (90:48)
- DJ (Dave) Butler - Ask Me Anything - 4/20/24 (92:53)
- CR Rowenson - Mages Can’t Do That!!! : Improving Your Magic with Limitations- 04/15/24 (79:06)
- DJ (Dave) Butler - AMA - 4/13/24 (88:18)
- Michael Hauge - 10 Essential Elements of Every Great Story - 4/8/24 (123:47)
- M Todd Gallowglas - Poetry for Writers - 4/6/24 (73:12)
- Tys Grenz - The Best Tips to Write the Worst Fantasy Ever - 04/01/24 (85:00)
- Roz Morris - Series or Standalone - 3/30/24 (105:28)
- Lisa Kastner - Author Branding - 03/25/2024 (81:43)
- Micheal La Ronn - How to Be a Part-Time Writer with Full-Time Results - 3/23/24 (82:16)
- Gary Goldstein Going Big - Breaking the Inertia of Fear - 03/18/2024 (119:24)
- Jana S. Brown - Pen Names Pros and Cons: Who are You Again? - 3/16/24 (86:47)
- Jamie Sonderman & Ed Gardiner (movie producer) - Building Your Community So Everyone’s Dream comes true - 03/11/2024 (89:41)
- Jason Hamilton - How to Incorporate AI into Your Writing - 3/9/24 (89:33)
- Kimberley Grabas - How to Define & Attract Your Ideal Readers - 3/4/24 (90:30)
- William Joseph Roberts from Three Ravens Publishing - Power of You - 3/2/24 (89:56)
- Richard Walter - Merging Reality with Fantasy - 2/26/24 (101:53)
- Jim Butcher - Scene & Sequel - 2/25/24 (114:13)
- Desmond Astaire (Winner of last year's WotF Golden Pen award) - His Journey & AME - 2/24/24 (83:30)
- Jana Brown - When Two Heads Are Better Than One - 2/19/24 (84:23)
- Tys Grenz - Community Meet-up - 2/17/24 (77:09)
- Tys Grenz - Raising the Stakes - 2/12/24 (89:37)
- Forrest Wolverton - Wired for Success and Greatness - 2/10/24 (88:13)
- James Dashner - 2/5/24 (93:18)
- Dave (DJ) Butler - Dialogue is Action - 2/3/24 (83:49)
- Zach Kristensen from JuxtaBook - Building Your Reader Community - 1/29/24 (82:34)
- Savannah Gilbo - - Writing Interiority: How to Reveal Your Character’s Inner Life on the Page - 1/27/24 (74:51)
- Matthew Bockholt - Let Your Fears Disappoint you - 1/22/24 (83:35)
- Remembering Dave - 1/20/24 (83:59)
- Jan Nerenberg - Submission Process for Sunbury Press - 1/15/24 (90:18)
- Tys Grenz - Revision: Re-see your WIP. Use the KAV Cycle to Make Your Book More - 1/8/24 (90:04)
- Forrest Wolverton - Following the Metaphor - 1/6/24 (67:32)
Available in
after you enroll
- Apex Strategy Session - Open Mic Reading - 12/30/24 (71:07)
- Apex Strategy Session - Holiday Party & 2024 Successes & Growth - 12/23/24 (81:54)
- Watch Party & Discussion: Metaphors, Similes and Style from the Writing Enchanted Prose series - 12/16/24 (75:26)
- Apex Strategy Session - 12/09/2024 (75:20)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Creating Reels on Canva - 12/02/2024 (74:35)
- Apex Strategy Session - Community Meet-up: Wrapping up the year and planning ahead - 11/25/2024 (84:45)
- Apex Strategy Session - Reading - 11/18/2024 (70:15)
- Apex Strategy Session - Character Cafe - 11/11/2024 (77:23)
- Apex Strategy Session - Watch Party - Art of Narration - 11/04/2024 (82:17)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tracy Painter - Electric Cottage: Find your Light in the Dark - 10/28/2024 (81:17)
- Apex Strategy Session - Evan Gow, StoryOrigin - How to Rapidly Grow Your Email List from 0 to 1,000+ - 10/21/2024 (85:34)
- Apex Strategy Session - M. Colin Alston - SEO - 10/14/2024 (80:17)
- Apex Strategy Session - Come as Your Character (Character Cafe) - 10/07/2024 (73:39)
- Apex Strategy Session - AB Testing - What Is This -9/30/2024 (70:25)
- Apex Strategy Session - Expanding Your Reach with Bookbub -09/23/2024 (67:53)
- Apex Strategy Session - Watch Party - Generalities to Specifics - 09/16/2024 (79:13)
- Apex Strategy Session - Workshopping Transporting Your Reader Homework from Strategy 8/26/24 - 09/02/2024 (76:06)
- Apex Strategy Session - Apexer Readings - 09/02/2024 (84:15)
- Watch Party & Discussion on Transporting Your Reader - 08/26/24 (71:57)
- Apex Strategy Session - Amazon Ads 102 - Creating Your Keywords List - 08/19/2024 (69:54)
- Apex Strategy Session - How Do We Research - 08/12/2024 (75:33)
- Apex Strategy Session - Story Telling as a Fine Art: Brain Storming 101 - 8/05/2024 (79:43)
- Apex Strategy Session - Seeing Yourself as a Writer - 7/29/2024 (76:55)
- Apex Strategy Session - Amazon Ads 101 - 7/22/2024 (88:27)
- Apex Strategy Session - Author Readings - 7/15/2024 (69:23)
- Watch Party & Discussion on Farland's Writing with Style, Part 2 - 7/8/24 (76:58)
- Apex Strategy Session - Canva 101- 7/1/2024 (82:06)
- Apex Strategy Session - Deon McAdoo - Ingramspark - 06/24/2024 (76:15)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Book Hop - 06/17/24 (79:19)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Chaotic Order with Notion for Book Launch - 06/10/24 (73:11)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Book Launch example - 06/03/24 (94:06)
- Apex Strategy Session - Tammy Burke - Foreshadowing - 5/27/24 (72:12)
- Apex Strategy Session - Alex Smith - An Introduction to bookvault - 5/20/24 (86:59)
- Apex Strategy Session - Deon McAdoo - Distribute Like A Pro - 5/13/24 (85:10)
- Apex Strategy Session - What is an ISBN- 05/06/2024 (69:25)
- Apex Strategy Session - John Sableski - Best Practices for Booksignings- 04/29/2024 (84:49)
- Apex Strategy Session - More on Getting Reviews - 04/22/2024 (77:40)
- Apex Strategy Session - How To Join a Writers Ring - 04/15/2024 (77:03)
- Mark Leslie Lefebvre - Draft2Digital and going wide - 4/8/24 (75:29)
- Apex Strategy Session - Book Tours - 04/01/2024 (71:53)
- Apex Strategy Session - Reading - 03/25/2024 (69:30)
- Apex Strategy Session - 03/18/2024 (76:07)
- Kerrie Flanagan - Why CraveBooks 3/11/2024 (81:21)
- Damon Courtney - Book Funnel - Your Books, Your Readers, Your Money: Selling Direct for Fans and Profit! - 3/4/24 (83:29)
- Philip Janowski - Skip the Slush Pile!: Pitching Agents Directly by - 2/26/24 (77:13)
- Tammy Burke - Why Network? and How to Make it Easier - 2/19/24 (73:52)
- Apex Readings - 2/12/24 (73:45)
- Tammy Burke- So I Have a Newsletter, Now What? - 2/5/23 (71:32)
- Faith L. Justice - Cracking the Audiobook Market - 1/29/24 (83:51)
- Tammy Burke - Themes Using Robert McKee’s Thematic and John Truby’s Conflict Squares - 1/22/24 (75:52)
- Philip Duncan - AME - 1/15/24 (86:11)
- Tammy Burke - How to Factor In Your Authoring Project Timeline- 1/8/23 (81:43)
Available in
after you enroll
- Forrest Wolverton - 10/17/2024 (66:24)
- Forrest Wolverton - 10/10/2024 (59:27)
- Forrest Wolverton - 10/03/2024 (62:54)
- Forrest Wolverton - 09/26/2024 (57:06)
- Forrest Wolverton - 09/19/2024 (65:13)
- Forrest Wolverton - 09/12/2024 (49:08)
- Forrest Wolverton - 09/05/2024 (73:21)
- Forrest Wolverton - 08/22/2024 (62:19)
- Forrest Wolverton - 08/15/2024 (61:54)
- Forrest Wolverton - 08/08/2024 (69:14)
- Forrest Wolverton - 08/01/2024 (69:05)
- Forrest Wolverton - 07/25/2024 (70:15)
- Forrest Wolverton - 07/18/2024 (76:26)
- Forrest Wolverton - 06/27/2024 (62:43)
- Forrest Wolverton - 06/20/2024 (57:07)
- Forrest Wolverton - 06/13/2024 (58:40)
- Forrest Wolverton - 06/06/2024 (55:06)
- Forrest Wolverton -05/23/2024 (63:03)
- Forrest Wolverton -05/16/2024 (64:07)
- Forrest Wolverton -05/09/2024 (61:25)
- Forrest Wolverton -05/02/2024 (63:28)
- Forrest Wolverton - 04/18/2024 (60:20)
- Forrest Wolverton - 04/11/2024 (79:24)
- Forrest Wolverton - 04/04/2024 (70:02)
- Forrest Wolverton - 03/28/2024 (56:58)
- Forrest Wolverton - 03/21/2024 (56:14)
- Forrest Wolverton - 03/14/2024 (69:44)
- Forrest Wolverton - 2/29/24 (56:57)
- Forrest Wolverton - 2/22/24 (64:25)
- Forrest Wolverton - 2/1/24 (80:38)
- Forrest Wolverton - 1/25/24 (69:58)
- Forrest Wolverton - 1/11/24 (88:36)
- Forrest Wolverton - 1/08/24 (67:09)
Available in
after you enroll
- Tys Grenz - Worldbuilding: Headache or Happiness 12/30/23 (83:57)
- Peter Orullian's "The Bell Ringer" (Part 2) - 12/23/23 (73:52)
- Peter Orullian's "The Bell Ringer" (Part 1) - 12/18/23 (100:19)
- John Jensen, Guinness World - How I wrote the World Record Game of DnD - 12/16/23 (89:14)
- James Scott Bell - Middles - 12/9/23 (93:19)
- Jana Brown - From a Certain Point of View - 12/11/23 (87:55)
- Daniel Yocom - Through the Eyes of a Book-blogger - 12/4/23 (77:30)
- Julie Bouche - Personalizing the Hero's Journey - 12/2/23 (97:16)
- Christopher Vogler - Hero's Journey and More - 11/20/23 (102:43)
- Ryan Bouche - The Writer's Game Plan: Gamification Strategies to Hook Readers - 11/18/23 (21:48)
- Author Maria V. Snyder - Behind the Curtains - 11/13/23 (74:06)
- D.J. (Dave) Butler - Self-Editing for Muscular Prose - 11/11/23 (73:00)
- Danuta E. Raine - Writers Residencies, Retreats and Masterclasses - 11/6/23 (87:20)
- Logan R. Kearsley - The Magic of Linguistics: Using Linguistics as the Science in Science Fiction - 11/4/23 (90:19)
- Savannah Gilbo - Overview of Genre and Obligatory scenes + Conventions (and why conventions are different than genres) - 10/30/23 (82:09)
- Kevin J Anderson - Kickstarters, Patreon, Dictation & AMEs - 10/28/23 (76:58)
- Mastermind Community Meetup - 10/23/23 (82:24)
- Tys Grenz’s presentation - UNinteresting...UNoriginal...UNdo it: Defy Expectations * Risk Creative Comfort! - 10/21/23 (81:40)
- Tys Grenz - Contents, Covers and Choice, Judging a Book By its Cover and more - 10/16/23 (82:33)
- Jana S. Brown - Book Funnel & Other Authoring Service Platforms - 10/14/23 (90:53)
- Randall Wright - Now what? I still haven't written the next Harry Potter - 10/9/23 (85:00)
- Jennifer Hilt - Tropes: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - 10/7/23 (81:35)
- DJ Butler - Tactical and Strategic Uses of Short Stories - 10/2/23 (78:12)
- Thomas Umstattd Jr - The Art of Persuasion - 9/30/23 (77:46)
- Mary Buckham - Writing Active Setting - 9/25/23 (83:51)
- Brenda Sills - The Power of Writing from the Crow’s Nest - 9/23/23 (69:29)
- Nick Mills - Storytelling of the Fourth Kind - 9/18/23 (71:54)
- Jana Brown - 3...2...1... Blastoff: Launch Strategies and Setting Expectations - 9/16/2023 (66:59)
- Mastermind Meetup conversation re aliens and other things - 9/11/23 (77:46)
- Marie Lamba - First Pages - 9/9/23 (83:13)
- Maura Casey - Opeds as marketing tool: Embrace your expertise, but brainstorm the angle - 9/2/23 (80:46)
- Tammy Burke - Stepping into Yourself: Embracing Authenticity and Personal Growth - 8/28/23 (81:17)
- Jana Brown - Author Aware, Avoiding Bad Actors and Protecting Your Business - 8/26/23 (69:17)
- Tys Grenz - The Anatomy of a Protagonizing Protagonist: Being the hero your world needs you to be - 8/21/22 (80:54)
- Lyn Worthen - How (Not) to Annoy an Acquisition Editor - 8/19/23 (73:06)
- Jana S. Brown - Using Book Promotion Sites - 8/14/23 (97:43)
- Tys Grenz - The Anatomy of the Antagonizing Antagonist - 8/12/23 (96:23)
- Christine Nielson - What Editors Wish Writers Knew and What Writers Wish Editors Knew (with a emphasis on not changing the author's voice) - 8/7/23 (82:58)
- DJ Butler - Revenge as a Career Strategy (and the Alternative) - 8/5/23 (71:38)
- Jana S. Brown - Making Mushy Middles into Magic - 7/31/23 (81:20)
- Tys Grentz - Excavating Your Worldbuilding: Using Archeology to Dig Up Context, Cultivate Your Societies and Create Structure - 7/29/23 (87:19)
- Angela Ackerman - Hidden Emotion and Subtext: Making Dialogue Crackle with What Isn’t Said - 7/24/23 (90:56)
- Colby Dunn - Writing Credible Combat and weapons clinic -7/22/23 (91:02)
- Forrest Wolverton - Falling in Love w Feeling Good - 7/17/23 (77:22)
- Lyn Worthen - How Many Words for Snow? (aka A Discussion of Cultural Anthropology in Fiction) - 7/15/23 (90:55)
- Robert Defendi - Death by Cliche (or How to and Not to Cliche) - 7/10/23 (87:07)
- Forrest Wolverton - Voice - 7/8/23 (95:52)
- Tys Grenz - Rationale and Magic, The System for Wonder in Your World - 7/1/23 (89:08)
- John Brown - The First Key to Keeping Readers Hooked - 6/26/23 (82:46)
- Tys Grentz - Allies, Underlings & Lackeys - 6/24/2023 (71:53)
- Danuta E. Raine - Let’s Talk Books: The Return of the Otherworld and The Mathematician's Alice - 6/19/23 (90:09)
- Lyn Worthen - Let's Talk Dialogue - 6/17/23 (92:01)
- Hildy Silverman - What an Editor Looks For - 6/12/23 (82:18)
- Jana S Brown - Technical Writing and Freelance Services - 6/10/23 (91:35)
- Robert J. Defendi - Endings - 6/5/23 (105:10)
- Forrest Wolverton - Your Story Matters - 06/03/23 (82:55)
- MA Nichols - Writing Romance Plots and Subplots - 05/29/23 (83:01)
- Lyn Worthen - The ABCs of a Good Critique - 5/27/23 (71:46)
- Tys Grenz - Spinners, Singers and Scary Old Ladies: a glance at feminine archetypes across the globe - 05/22/23 (88:32)
- Jess Smart Smiley - Zines - 05/20/23 (97:34)
- Danuta Raine - Literary Analysis and the Art of Talking about Books - 05/15/23 (94:04)
- Jana S. Brown - The Power of No - 05/13/23 (64:46)
- Tammy Burke - Zen Between Sword and Pen - 05/08/23 (90:26)
- Forrest Wolverton - 05/06/23 (82:31)
- Lyn Worthen - Character Voice (aka Diving into Deep POV) - 05/01/23 (93:09)
- Chad Allen - Lead Magnets and growing your audience - 04/29/23 (62:18)
- Mary Buckham - Hooks - 04/25/23 (89:14)
- Laura Shanae Randant - The Legal Landscape of A.I Art - 04/22/23 (95:14)
- Jana S. Brown - Author Branding, Creating the Best You - 04/17/23 (81:22)
- Jared Quan - The Value of, and How to Become a TEDx Speaker - 04/15/23 (79:52)
- Tys Grenz - Braided Narratives VS Broken Narratives - 04/10/23 (79:11)
- Lyn Worthen - Sharpening Your Short Story Skills - 04/08/23 (84:09)
- Daniel Schwabauer - Five Elements of Story - 04/03/23 (90:41)
- Forrest Wolverton - 04/01/23 (85:05)
- Beth Barany - The Branding for Novelists, Draft Your Author Branding Statement - 3/27/23 (103:31)
- Pattie Giordani & Tina Gallagher - Marketing for Introverts and Extroverts - 03/25/23 (78:10)
- Lisa Cron - Hardwired for Story - 03/20/23 (99:18)
- CJ Anaya - The importance of Market Research - 03/18/23 (68:16)
- Jodi Milner - Imposter Syndrome and Mental Health for Authors - 03/13/23 (58:10)
- TD Storm - the Taxonomy of Tension - 03/11/23 (70:50)
- Savannah Gilbo - Writing Well-Structured Scenes - 03/06/23 (76:07)
- Forrest Wolverton - 03/04/23 (65:10)
- Michael Hauge - Seduce the Reader in the First 10 pages - 02/27/2023 (83:06)
- John M Olsen - Why Write Short Stories? - 02/25/2023 (85:13)
- Mike Thayer & C.R. Rowenson - Making Your Magic Matter - 02/20/23 (84:39)
- Mike Jack Stoumbos - The Origin of "Don't Polish Off the Snags" - The Phrase Itself and the Mindest - 02/18/23 (79:27)
- Michael A Ventrella - "What Themed Anthology Editors Look For” - 02/13/23 (78:13)
- Tyson Dutton - Resolute Silliness (brainstorming for ideas & getting to flow) - 02/11/23 (88:11)
- Forrest Wolverton - 02/06/23 (80:44)
- Kevin J Anderson - Kickstarter and A.M.A. 02/04/23 (89:49)
- September Fawkes - The Triarchy Method - 01/30/23 (81:55)
- Jana S Brown - Beyond the Triangle - The geometry of romance and relationships -01/28/23 (84:37)
- Jonathan Maberry - Query Letters & Synopsis - 01/23/23 (64:43)
- L. Palmer - Workshopping Your Blurb - 01/21/23 (60:33)
- Brenda Sills - The View: Quantum Physics and the Creative You 1/16/23 (83:32)
- Memorial call for Dave - What Would Dave Do? Stories of Dave - 01/14/23 (86:59)
- Jessica Day George - Fairy Tales - 01/09/23 (82:04)
Available in
after you enroll
- Philip Janowski - Writing Conferences & Conventions: An Overview - 12/18/23 (75:08)
- Tammy Burke - Process to Get Your Book into the World - 12/4/23 (71:19)
- Tammy Burke - How to Utilize Book Bloggers to get Reviews - 11/27/23 (83:24)
- Strategy Reading Event - 11/20/23 (76:02)
- Morgan Gist MacDonald - AMAZON OPTIMIZATION - 11/13/23 (86:36)
- Community Meet-Up - Writing Conferences - What things Can Be Gotten From Them - 11/6/23 (77:54)
- Lawrence Knorr, Founder/CEO of Sunbury Press, Inc., - Top Ten Ways to Sell More Books - 10/30/23 (87:47)
- Apex Strategy Session - Bitsy Kemper - 31-Day Author Platform Challenge - 10/23/23 (95:49)
- Strategy Community Meet - Writing w Style, part 1 discussion - 10/16/23 (72:36)
- Mike Jack Stoumbos -The Road to WriMo: Planning, Scheduling, and Goal-Setting Success for Your Novel - 10/9/23 (83:04)
- Let's Talk More about the Art of Persuasion - 10/2/23 (72:28)
- Community Meet-up Discussion on past presentations - 9/25/23 (82:55)
- Dianna Sinovic - Revision Roadmap - 9/18/23 (76:10)
- Bryan Thomas Schmidt - Four Research Strategies to up Your Game - 9/11/23 (78:08)
- Rich Ehisen - Acing the Interview on Both Sides of the Mic - 8/28/23 (77:29)
- Morgan Gist MacDonald - Paper Raven - launching multiple books in a series & growing your author platform off the back of your books - 8/21/22 (88:44)
- Discussion on David Farland's Advertising as an Author - 8/14/23 (79:05)
- Impromptu Apexer discussion on audiobooks & revision - 8/7/23 (49:23)
- Tammy Burke - Revision Questions to Ask - 7/31/23 (75:08)
- Day Leitao - Tools, Resources and Tips for Author Collaboration - 7/24/23 (73:44)
- Strategy Community Meet-up - 7/17/23 (83:48)
- Paul Lubaczewski - Humor, the Missing Element - 7/10/23 (77:51)
- Tammy Burke - Personality Car Model - 6/26/23 (71:22)
- Martin L. Shoemaker - On Being a Dictator, 2023 Edition - 6/19/2023 (78:57)
- Tara McKee - The Science of Where: Using Esri's ArcGIS Software to Understand Your US-based Readers on a Deeper Level - 6/12/23 (86:08)
- Ask Apexers Anything: Community Meet-Up (overview how to find things) - 6/5/23 (79:06)
- Community Strategy Meet - 05/29/23 (76:48)
- Ka’yil Shaw - Introduction to AI for Creatives - 05/22/23 (77:52)
- Zara Altair - Difference Between Evidence, Clues & Red Herrings w 10 ways to Hide Your Clues - 05/15/23 (84:45)
- Samantha Edens - A Wizard's Guide to Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - 05/08/2023 (72:38)
- Mona Storm - Compelling Social Media Content for Wizards - 05/08/2023 (72:38)
- Joshua Dyer - Using Your 5 Senses to Help You Show Rather than Tell - 05/01/2023 (73:45)
- Community meet. How to find Book comps. - 04/24/23 (76:54)
- Day Leitao - Hook Them or Lose Them - 04/17/23 (70:10)
- Nikki Auberkett - Founder and Developmental Editor of Tala Editorial, LLC - 04/10/23 (79:11)
- Jason Brick - Social Media - 04/03/23 (78:39)
- Angel Ackerman, Parisian Phoenix - 03/20/23 (77:59)
- Russell Noheltyr - -Fund Your Book with Kickstarter’ - Writer MBA - 03/13/23 (81:19)
- Russell Noheltyr - 'Fund Your Book with Kickstarter’ - 03/13/23 (81:19)
- Mark Leslie Lefebvre - WIDE FOR THE WIN: Successful publishing across numerous platforms in multiple formats - 03/06/23 (85:34)
- Joe Solari – Starting Your Own Writing Business - 02/27/2023 (92:59)
- Brenden Pugh - More Notion - 02/20/23 (78:45)
- Scot Noel, editor at DreamForge - What he looks for in magazine short stories - 02/13/23 (68:40)
- Alison Cowling - Websites - 02/06/23 (88:45)
- Patrick Hopkins & Morgan Hazelwood– Five Biggest Semantic Problems w/Pitches & Synopses and How to Fix Them - 01/30/23 (82:14)
- Brian Feinblum - Book marketing guru - 01/23/2023 (80:58)
- Tyson – Monsters - 01/16/2023 (91:56)
- Connie B. Dowell – Newsletters - 01/09/2023
- Strategizing the New Year! - 01/02/2023 (64:02)
Available in
after you enroll
- Apex Accelerator - 07/26/23 (84:14)
- Apex Accelerator - 07/19/23 (71:31)
- Apex Accelerators - 7/12/23 (63:00)
- Apex Accelerators - 7/5/23 (77:07)
- Apex Accelerators - 6/21/2023 (76:33)
- Apex Accelerators - 6/14/23 (65:50)
- Apex Accelerators - 6/7/23 (75:45)
- Apex Accelerator - 05/31/23 (99:32)
- Apex Accelerator - 05/24/23 (69:51)
- Apex Accelerator - 05/17/23 (70:15)
- Apex Accelerator - 05/10/23 (77:25)
- Apex Accelerator - 05/03/23 (83:45)
- Apex Accelerator - 04/27/23 (93:38)
- Apex Accelerator - 04/19/23 (62:41)
- Apex Accelerator - 04/12/23 (86:11)
- Apex Accelerator - 04/05/23 (83:35)
- Apex Accelerator - 03/29/23 (81:03)
- Apex Accelerator -03/23/23 (89:16)
- Apex Accelerator - 03/24/23 (89:16)
- Apex Accelerator - 03/15/23 (64:15)
- Apex Accelerator - 03/08/23 (82:55)
- Apex Accelerator - 03/01/23 (63:29)
- Apex Accelerator - 02/22/23 (67:08)
- Apex Accelerator - 02/15/23 (86:48)
- Gladius Sovereign, Creator of Sovereign Mind Method - 02/08/23 (89:51)
- Apex Accelerator - 02/01/23 (66:23)
- Apex Accelerator - 01/25/23 (178:46)
- Apex Accelerator - 01/18/23 (91:46)
- Apex Accelerator - 01/11/23 (84:35)
- The Art of Change - Act Act 1 Believe Part 2
- The Art of Change - Act Act 1 Believe Part 1
- Apex Accelerator - 01/03/23 (87:48)
Available in
after you enroll
- DJ Butler - Stories of Light - 12/19/2022 (76:41)
- Darcy Love - The Power of (at least occasionally) Working Under Pressure - 12/17/22 (64:36)
- The Art of Change (Something New from Forrest Wolverton) - 12/12/22 (91:06)
- Jana S. Brown - Genre Definitions and Tropes - 12/10/22 (86:02)
- Johnny Worthen and the Dalai Lama - A Dharmavinaya (Buddhism) approach to becoming a better writer - 12/05/2022 (70:56)
- Forrest Wolverton - Motivation Mastermind - 12/3/22 (77:37)
- Lisa Mangum - Writing Lessons-Questions and Answers - 11/28/22 (88:57)
- George McEwan - Storytelling and True Lies - 11/21/2022 (67:29)
- Tys Dutton - Map-based plotting "Following the breadcrumbs" - 11/19/22 (75:57)
- Peter Orullian - the Storytelling in, and the Making of "The Bell Ringer" - 11/15/22 (131:48)
- Kevin J. Anderson - Productivity, *AME, Dune, Publishing, etc. 11/12/22 (90:11)
- Jana S. Brown - When Two Heads are Better than One - 11/07/22 (63:07)
- Motivation Mastermind with Forrest Wolverton 11/05/22
- Danuta Raine - Artistic Sensibility and Creative Discernment 10/31/22 (84:11)
- Amy White & Wendy Folsom - More Cracking the Story Code (FSNA) 10/29/22 (103:18)
- J.C. (Jen) Cervantes - Leaning into the fear of creation (with a touch of Mayan Mythology) - 10/24/22 (83:36)
- Lisa Mangum - Writing Lessons from Supernatural the T.V. Show - 10/17/22 (69:02)
- Tys Grenz - "There is No Spoon: Prewriting Techniques to Avoid Writer's Block" - 10/10/2022 (66:38)
- Forrest Wolverton - It's Not Enough to Want to be an Author - 10/08/22 (67:20)
- Gary Goldstein - Beyond Your Book: What's Possible? - 10/03/2022 (91:41)
- Claudia Mills - Transmitting Ethical Values to Young Readers Through Children's Books: Do's and Don'ts - 10/01/22 (63:12)
- Aaron Johnston - Writing for Comics - 09/26/22 (63:48)
- Craig Nybo - Habits that Weaken Prose, and Sensory Prose Character Development - 09/24/22 (61:02)
- Larry Martin - Writing, Film and QA Discussion 09/16/22 (107:07)
- Forrest Wolverton - Introduction to Letting Your Intuition Flow - 09/10/22 (68:47)
- Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues Pt. 3 - 09/03/2022 (88:13)
- Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Creating Tongues part 2 - 08/29/2022 (82:45)
- Film Streaming - Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues part 1 - 08/27/2022 (85:41)
- Amy White - Plot Pattern Analysis (Cracking the Story Code) - 08/22/22 (91:00)
- Jana S. Brown - Newsletters and Promos - 08/20/22 (78:45)
- Peter O'Rullien - Music in Writing, Musical Magic Systems - 08/15/22 (81:25)
- Jana Brown - Wide Distribution and Moving Beyond Amazon - 08/13/2022 (88:05)
- Todd Gallowglass - Live Storytelling - 08/08/2022 (76:47)
- Jana Brown - Newsletters, Pen Name, or? - 08/01/2022 (77:00)
- Dave Chesson - Atticus Update - Focus on Keywords and Categories - 07/30/2022 (93:38)
- Kevin Beggs - Lionsgate T.V. - 07/25/2022 (77:53)
- D.J. Butler - Query Letters -07/23/2022 (98:15)
- Shree - Hidden Bias Part 2 - 07/18/2022 (76:45)
- Cat Girczyc - Writing for TV Part 2 - 07/16/2022 (85:23)
- Shree - Handling Bias Pt. 1 - 07/11/22 (70:41)
- Cat Girczyc - Writing for TV Part 1 - 07/09/2022 (84:42)
- Blake Casselman - Adapting a Novel to a Graphic Novel - 06/27/22 (80:01)
- Jana Brown - Self Publishing - 06/25/2022 (78:07)
- Brad Frazer Attorney - Copyright and Publishing - 06/20/22 (79:35)
- Jane Yolen - Writing for Children of All Ages - 06/18/2022 (81:10)
- Sarah Rhea Werner - Starting and Running Your Own Podcast - 06/13/22 (81:40)
- Joaquin Baldwin - Worldbuilding with Maps - 06/06/22 (77:03)
- Forrest Wolverton - Reputation - 06/04/22 (75:00)
- Carol Lynch Williams - Emotion in Writing - 05/28/22 (78:39)
- Dominique Replogle - Literature and Music - 05/21/22 (84:00)
- Melissa McShane - Preventing Sagging Middles - 05/16/22 (77:43)
- Jana S. Brown - Writing to Market - 05/14/22 (82:27)
- Rand Fishkin - SparkToro - 05/09/22 (73:25)
- Natalia and Cat - Guided Mediation for Blocks - 05/07/22 (81:40)
- Jan Nerenberg - "Impossibly Possible" - 05/02/22 (76:03)
- Daniel Yocom - Writing for Other People's Intellectual Property - 04/30/22 (77:02)
- Daniel Craig Friend - Including Politics in Your Writing - 04/25/22 (73:54)
- Gama Ray Martinez - Mythology - 04/23/22 (50:12)
- Jody Lynn Nye - General Q & A - 04/18/22 (81:45)
- Daniel Swenson - Harnessing Unexpected Sparks of Creation - 04/16/22 (81:55)
- Ben Hewett - Writing About Outer Space - 04/11/22 (79:25)
- Logan R. Kearsley - Linguistics for Writers - 04/09/2022 (75:37)
- Mike Thayer - School Visits and Presentations - 04/04/2022 (80:44)
- John M. Olsen - Overcoming a Fear of Failure - 03/28/2022 (72:51)
- Stephen Gashler - Theatricals - 03/26/2022 (75:30)
- DJ Butler - His Career and Q & A - 03/21/2022 (76:16)
- Forrest Wolverton - Exercises and Mediation - 03/19/2022 (74:19)
- Rafael Hohmann - Writer's Journey - 03/14/2022 (75:55)
- Jeanette Strode - Self Publishing: No Holds Barred - 03/12/2022 (78:20)
- Robert Hatch- “Director” - 03/07/2022 (171:22)
- Annie Oswald - Knowing Your Audience - 03/05/2022 (87:31)
- Damon Courtney- Bookfunnel - 02/28/2022 (79:20)
- Laura Gale - The Hidden Life of Ghostwriters - 02/26/2022 (77:13)
- Richard Thomas- Personal experience and AME - 02/21/2022 (86:39)
- Janet Margot - Amazon Ads - 02/19/2022 (80:30)
- Rafael Hohmann - - 02/16/2022 (82:36)
- Joe Monson - - 02/14/2022 (86:18)
- Victorine Liesk - Self-pubbed & hit NY Times best selling ebook list - 02/12/2022 (77:03)
- David B. Coe - - 02/07/2022 (79:02)
- Catherine Kent & Forrest - 02/05/2022 (77:24)
- L J Martin - "Author of 40 western, historical, mystery, and thriller novels" & Q&A - 01/31/2022 (84:29)
- Elise Kova - Independent Publishing - 01/29/2022 (79:30)
- Linda Addison - Making the Most of Conventions and General Q & A - 01/24/2022 (76:47)
- Forrest Wolverton 01/23/2022 (59:40)
- Jami Crumpton - Mailing Lists & Newsletters - 01/22/2022 (90:37)
- Sarah Noffke - Productivity and Craft - 01/17/2022 (66:54)
- October Santerelli - Writing LGBTQ+ Characters & Sensitivity Reading - 01/10/2022 (58:25)
- Brandon and Deb Yager - Overcoming False Constructs - 01/08/2022 (76:13)
- Angie Hodapp - Publishing Contracts - 01/03/2022 (66:43)
Available in
after you enroll
- Jennifer Rose – Plotter - 12/12/22 - Strategy (81:48)
- Share Your Writing with the Community - 12/05/22 - Strategy (72:53)
- Erin M. Brown- The Plot and Structure Master Guide - 11/28/22 - Strategy (93:55)
- Brenden Pugh - Creator of Writing Quest - 11/21/22 - Strategy (62:58)
- Don Lafferty - How to Strategize and Exceed Marketing Goals and Networking - 11/15/22 - Strategy (68:07)
- Amy Hopkins - Newsletters and mailing lists - 11/7/22 - Strategy (60:18)
- Halloween First Paragraphs 10/31/22 (99:56)
- Kathryn Craft -"Raiders of the Lost Arc" 10/25/22 (91:39)
- Jana Stocks Brown - Preparing for NaNoWriMo - 10/17/2022 - Strategy (63:54)
- Rebecca Treasure Schibler - Pitches and Agents - 10/10/22 - Strategy (64:51)
- Crystal Bechler - Save the Cat - 10/03/2022 (57:25)
- AmyHopkins_Newsletters_9_12_22 (83:24)
- Tyson L. Dutton - Campbell's monomyth vs today's interpretation and Cosmogenic Cycle No One Mentions from Hero with 1k Faces - 08/29/2022 - Strategy (78:38)
- Brenda Carre - Brainstorming - 08/22/2022 - Strategy (80:01)
- Michelle Jeffries - -How to Apply Structure in Different Story Scenarios - 08/15/2022 - Strategy (80:21)
- Amey Ziegler – Creating Memorable Fiction - 08/08/2022 - Strategy (79:19)
- Wulf Moon - Release the Kraken - Achieving Flow State - 08/01/2022 - Strategy (83:48)
- Tammy Burke - Story Embryo - 07/25/2022 - Strategy (76:36)
- Joaquin Baldwin - Mapmaking - 7/18/2022 - Strategy (76:06)
- Matt Wright - From Pantser to Outliner - 07/11/2022 - Strategy (74:45)
- Pat Hauldren - Genre Tropes - 06/27/2022 - Strategy (72:22)
- Mike Jack Stoumbos - Short Story Structures - 06/20/2022 - Strategy (73:40)
- Mike Jack Stoumbos - Quick & Dirty Novel Planning - 06/13/22 - Strategy (94:58)
- Miles English - Writing a Series pt. 2 - 06/06/22 - Strategy (76:38)
- C Michelle Jeffries - Writing a Series pt.1 - 05/23/22 - Strategy (71:33)
- Cherise Papa- Advanced Word Features - 05/16/22 - Strategy (80:46)
- Martin Shoemaker - Dragon Dictation - 05/09/22 - Strategy (79:55)
- Judith Moffitt - Scrivener - 05/02/22- Strategy (78:31)
- Mariah Ankenman - Booktok - 04-25-22 - Strategy (73:48)
- Tim Frankovitch - Scrivener - 04/18/22 - Strategy (72:56)
- Trem Sutcliffe - Scrivener - 04/11-2022 - Strategy (76:56)
- Debbie Maxwell Allen - Scrivener - 04/04/2022 - Strategy (80:12)
- Deborah Wulf - Query Letters - 03/28/2022 - Strategy (77:14)
- AJ Benson - Your Apex Strategy: The Big Picture - 03/14/2022 - Strategy (64:09)
- Len Berry - Patreon - 03/07/2022 - Strategy (80:16)
- Matt Wright - Writers Tools: Aeon Timeline - 03/21/2022 - Strategy (77:28)
- 02/28/2022 - Strategy (75:13)
- AJ Benson - Which Path (part 2) - 02/21/22 - Strategy (75:19)
- AJ Benson - Which Path (part 1) 02/14/2022 - Strategy (78:24)
- AJ Benson - Writing Tools - 02/07/2022 - Strategy (62:46)
- AJ Benson - Writing Tools - 01/31/2022 - Strategy (73:52)
- AJ Benson - - 01/24/2022 - Strategy (76:18)
- AJ Benson - Amazon Specifics: Algorithms, Vella - 01/17/2022 - Strategy (76:31)
- Martin Shoemaker - Making Story Models - 1/10/2022 - Strategy (53:39)
- Martin Shoemaker - Making Story Models - 1/03/2022 - Strategy (53:33)
- David Farland - Advertising - 12/27/2021 - Strategy (57:38)
- Mark Stallings - Building Your Street Team - 12/20/2021 - Strategy (63:25)
- AJ Benson - Book Covers - 12/13/2021 - Strategy (40:36)
- Aj Benson - Audiobooks - 12/06/2021 - Strategy (43:41)
- AJ Benson - Self-publishing - 11/29/2021 - Strategy (50:18)
- David Farland -Parsing Out Book Rights - 11/22/2021 - Strategy (54:21)
- David Farland - Creating Your List - 11/15/2021 - Strategy (54:16)
- AJ Benson - Websites - 11/01/2021- Strategy (60:03)
- AJ Benson - Making A Career Plan - 10/25/2021 - Strategy (66:50)
- AJ Benson - Multiple Income Streams - 10/11/2021 - Strategy (59:10)
- AJ Benson - Marketing - 10/04/2021 - Strategy (52:44)
- AJ Benson - Desired Outcomes and Marketing to the Right Audience - 09/27/2021 - Strategy (59:26)
- David Farland - How Traditional Publishing Works - 09/20/2021 - Strategy (68:35)
Available in
after you enroll
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/28/22 (86:46)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/21/22 (81:54)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 12/14/22 (65:49)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting - The Psychology of Change -12/7/22 (76:03)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/30/2022 (89:27)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 11_27_2022 (67:05)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 11_17_22 (73:13)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/09/22 (67:21)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 11/09/22 (67:21)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_28_22 (74:14)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_20_22 (75:54)
- Apex_Accelerator_Meeting_04-13-22 (78:01)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 04_06_2022 (75:22)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_30_2022 (79:38)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_23_2022 (67:56)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_16_2022 (82:22)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 03_09_2022 (77:40)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 02_23_2022 (59:40)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 01_12_2022 (59:19)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 02_09_2022 (65:43)
- Apex Accelerator Meeting 05_04_22 (85:24)
Available in
after you enroll
- Gary Goldstein 10_03_2022 - Beyond Your Book: What's Possible? (91:41)
- Brandon Sanderson 11_03_2021 (56:47)
- Dan Wells 11_01_2021 (68:39)
- Michael Anderle (72:29)
- Orson Scott Card 09/19/2020 (101:30)
- M A Rothman 10_02_2021 (58:35)
- Deborah Chester (90:11)
- Toni Weisskopf - Baen Publishing 04_07_2020 (59:05)
- Kevin J Anderson_Apexcall_4-11-2021_1 (68:04)
- Aleron Kong 11_13_2021 "LitRPG Writer" (67:40)
- Jody Lynn Nye 04_18_22 - General Q & A (81:45)
- J. Scott Savage 06_16_2020 (69:03)
- Forrest Wolverton 02_09_2022 (65:43)
Available in
after you enroll
- Mindy Klasky - Switching Gears - 12/27/2021 (59:54)
- Gail Carriger - Things to Know as an Author - 12/20/2021 (60:08)
- David Farland - Q&A - 12/18/2021 (75:07)
- Howard Tayler - Conversational Storytelling - 12/13/2021 (56:45)
- Kenny Baldwin - Writing Comedy - 12/11/2021 (57:14)
- Dave Chesson - Atticus Writing Software - 12/06/2021 (53:51)
- David Farland - Q&A - 12/04/2021 (62:40)
- Franklin Goldberg - Gaining an Amazon Advantage - 11/30/2021 (75:46)
- Shawn Speakman - Terry Brooks interviews... - 11/22/2021 (61:56)
- Kay Kenyon - Pacing - 11/20/2021 (80:59)
- James A Owen - - 11/15/2021 (60:40)
- Aleron Kong - LitRPG Writer - 11/13/2021 (67:40)
- Michaelbrent Collings - "Horror Author" - 11/08/2021 (61:36)
- Forrest Wolverton - 11/06/2021 (59:07)
- Brandon Sanderson - Q&A - 11/03/2021 (56:47)
- Dan & Dawn Wells - - 11/01/2021 (68:39)
- Claudia Mills - Finding the Joy in Writing - 10/30/2021 (58:31)
- TC Christensen - Screenplays - 10/25/2021 (61:19)
- Rachel Ann Nunes - Dealing with Plagiarism - 10/23/2021 (62:03)
- Troy Lambert - SEO and Keywords for Authors - 10/18/2021 (58:34)
- Ken Baker - "Children's Book Author" - 10/16/2021 (63:49)
- Julie Berry - The Last Shall be First: Building Great Secondary Characters - 10/11/2021 (59:19)
- Forrest Wolverton - Master NLP Practitioner - 10/09/2021 (61:08)
- Gary W Goldstein - "Author & Producer" - 10/04/2021 (69:42)
- M A Rothman - Putting Science in Science Fiction - 10/02/2021 (58:35)
- David Brin - "Hugo, Nebula award winning author" - 09/27/2021 (63:25)
- Gama Martinez - "Fantasy Author dragons, legends, magic, mythology, monsters, fairy tales, adventure" - 09/25/2021 (60:04)
- Kathie Purdie - Raising the Stakes - 09/20/2021 (69:23)
- David_Farland - Finding Your Writing Bliss - 09/18/2021 (58:32)
- Sam Payne - "Musician & Storyteller" - 09/13/2021 (62:01)
- M A Rothman - Bestsellers: Making a List Run - 09/11/2021 (65:47)
- Forrest Wolverton - 09/04/2021 (66:40)
- M Todd Gallowglas - Respect, not Reverence - 08/31/2021 (60:15)
- DJ Butler - Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts: 15 writing lessons your novel should learn from one Bob Dylan song -08/28/2021 (70:22)
- John Kang - Self-Publishing - 08/24/2021 (65:52)
- David Farland - Planning a Major Release - 08/21/2021 (60:55)
- Kindle Vella Team - 08/17/2021 (59:11)
- Monique Patterson - "Executive Editor, St. Martin's Press" - 08/14/2021 (60:26)
- Paul Genesse - "Bestselling Author of The Iron Dragon series" - 08/10/2021 (58:34)
- Forrest Wolverton - 08/07/2021 (72:58)
- Devan Jensen - - 08/04/2021 (55:18)
- Logan Kearsley - Show Don't Tell, Using Language - 07/31/2021 (58:25)
- Rebekah R. Ganiere - "USA Today Bestselling Author" - 07/27/2021 (65:27)
- M Todd Gallowglas - - 07/24/2021 (60:31)
- Brandon Ho - 3 Beat Story Tree Breakdown - 07/20/2021 (61:12)
- Craig Nybo - - 07/13/2021 (61:29)
- Forrest Wolverton - 07/10/2021 (66:03)
- AJ Benson Apex Writers - A Conjunction of Authors: How to Find the Right Group of Writers - 07/06/2021 (62:07)
- Darren Callahan - "Writer/Director/Composer" - 06/29/2021 (60:03)
- David Farland - Q&A - 06/26/2021 (62:54)
- Dave Doering - Etiquette at Writing Conventions - 06/22/2021 (61:19)
- Traci Abramson - - 06/19/2021 (63:04)
- David Vandagriff - "IP Attorney Extraordinaire" Q&A (book law: copyrights and trademarks, etc.) - 06/15/2021 (68:00)
- Forrest Wolverton - 06/12/2021 (85:57)
- Ivy Smoak - "#1 Amazon.com Bestselling Romance Writer" - 06/08/2021 (76:03)
- David Farland - How to Use Apex to Guide You Through Your Writers' Journey - 06/02/2021 (80:51)
- Melinda Snodgrass - "Novelist, TV writer" - 05/26/2021 (72:23)
- Mike Thayer - Story Structure - 5/22/2021 (76:53)
- Kraig Wenman - "Screenwriter" - 05/18/2021 (77:40)
- Michael Kramer and Kate Reading - "Audiobook Voice Talents" - 05/15/2021 (79:11)
- Bruce Coville - "YA Author" - 05/12/2021 (78:12)
- David Farland Q and A 05/08/21 (84:19)
- Kevin Steverson - "SF Author" - 04/27/2021 (62:31)
- Sheila Williams - "Editor for Asimovs Magazine" - 04/24/2021 (68:01)
- Kevin Czarnecki - Media tie-ins, Audio Performance, & Deep Worldbuilding without Exposition - 04/20/21 (80:54)
- Mike Thayer - - 04/17/2021 (66:36)
- Kara and Issac Stewart - How they put together Brandon Sanderson's 6.7 million-dollar Kickstarter - 04/13/2021 (61:55)
- Kevin J Anderson - A Perfect Storm: The Start of the Indie Publishing Movement - 04/11/2021 (68:04)
- John Goodwin - Writers of the Future - 04/06/2021 (64:27)
- Aaron Johnston - Writing for Television vs. Novels - 03/30/2021 (66:02)
- Annie Oswald - Audio Books - 3/27/2021 (61:02)
- Megan Lloyd - "Children's Illustrator" - 03/24/2021 (64:09)
- Traci Hainsworth - Strategic Marketing - 03/20/2021 (65:09)
- Tim Powers - "Twice-Winner of the World Fantasy Award" - 3/16/2021 (63:57)
- Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge Training - 09/12/2021? (76:33)
- JenniferBrozeck - Self-editing: From First Splat to Professional Finish How to Make Your Editors Love You - 03/09/2021 (62:51)
- DavidFarland - Q&A - 03-06-2021 (68:11)
- Roger Arias - Publishing: A Dossier for Success - 03/02/2021 (63:25)
- David Farland - Q&A - 02/27/2021 (70:34)
- Micheal J Sullivan - "NYT Best-Selling Author" - 02/23/2021 (72:51)
- David Farland - Q&A - 02/20/2021 (54:27)
- David Farland - - 02/16/2021 (61:36)
- Dakota Krout - "Top 5 Fantasy Pick on Audible" - 02/12/2021 (59:46)
- Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge Training - 02/06/2021 (78:39)
- David Farland - Put Your Characters Through Their Paces - 02/05/2021 (58:45)
- M. M. DeVoe - "Founder of Pen Parentis" - 01/30/2021 (60:10)
- David Farland - Self Editing - 01/26/2021 (53:44)
- David Farland- Don’t Leave Money on the Table - 01/23/2021 (10:13)
- Sam Witt - Write Faster: Mindset, Process, Practice - 01/23/2021 (61:00)
- Hayley Mill - ProWritingAid - 01/19/2021 (61:19)
- Eric James Stone - "bestselling SF author" - 02/16/2021 (61:25)
- Julie Czerenda - - 01/12/2021 (59:50)
- Forrest Wolverton - 01/09/2021 (72:43)
- Carol Berg - - 01/05/2021 (61:08)
Available in
after you enroll
- Elizabeth Chatsworth - her journey toward publication -12/27/2020 (66:24)
- Forrest Wolverton - 12/26/2020 (73:46)
- Mauli "Junior" Bonner - experiences & overcoming obstacles in making his award winning film "Green Flakes" - 12/22/2020 (50:35)
- Kevin Beggs - "Lionsgate" - 12/15/2020 (91:28)
- Traci Hainsworth - Hollywood Greenlighting Process - 12/08/20 (115:00)
- Stacy Dymalski - Self-Publishing -12/05/20 (89:34)
- Beth Meacham - "Editor at Tor" - 12/01/2020 (66:07)
- Will White - An Author's Strategy for Success - 11/28/2020 (116:01)
- David Farland: An Author’s Strategy for Success 12_08_20 (105:28)
- Tracy Hickman - Dragon Lance - 11/21/2020 (93:52)
- Forrest Wolverton 11/14/2020 (91:56)
- Deborah Chester - "Internationally published, award-winning author" - 11/10/2020 (90:11)
- Joanna Penn - Multiple Income Streams for Writers - 11/7/2020 (124:29)
- Stephen Graham Jones - "New York Times bestselling author" - 10/31/2020 (80:51)
- Dave Estes - "SF & Fantasy author" - 10/27/2020 (94:25)
- Craig Martelle - Self Publishing Promotion -10/24/2020 (125:02)
- Linda Addison - "writing the wild, unique voicing, & handling of rejection" - 10/20/2020 (94:47)
- Forrest Wolverton - 10/17/2020 (71:52)
- James Rollins - "#1 New York Times bestselling author of international thrillers" -10/13/2020 (69:30)
- Stant Litore - "Writer, publisher, and dinosaur wrangler" - 10/11/2020 (64:48)
- Larry Elmore - "American fantasy artist & illustrator" - 10/6/2020 (74:43)
- David Farland - 10/3/2020 (60:56)
- William Bernhardt - "bestselling author and one of the most sought-after writing instructor" - 9/29/2020 (67:47)
- Forrest Wolverton - 9/26/2020 (82:34)
- M. L. Wang - "Sword of Kaigen author" - 9/22/2020 (74:12)
- Orson Scott Card - Hugo and Nebula Award-winning bestselling author" - 09/19/2020 (101:30)
- Terry Brooks - "New York Times bestselling author" - 9/15/2020 (74:23)
- Lazarus & Echo Chernik - Book Covers - 9/12/2020 (111:05)
- Michael Anderle - Self-Publishing - 9/8/2020 (72:29)
- JC Kang - Best Selling Author" - 09/05/2020 (61:40)
- LE Modesitt Jr. - Economics in Fiction - 09/01/2020 (62:40)
- Forrest Wolverton - 8/29/2020 (81:34)
- David Farland - Apex Writers Crowdfunding Roundtable - 8/26/2020 (117:37)
- Oren Litwin - How to Deal with Political Systems in Fiction 08/25/2020 (63:52)
- Chris Fox - Marketing is Farming, Not Hunting - 8/22/2020 (60:13)
- Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta - "Wordfire Press" - 08/18/2020 (64:57)
- Mary Jane of Author Buzz - 08/15/2020 (61:32)
- Wulf Moon - "Super Secrets creator & WoTF winner" - 8/11/20 (63:57)
- David Farland - 08/08/2020 (60:10)
- David Farland - Writers of the Future - 8/4/20 (65:11)
- Jody Lynn Nye - "New York Times and USA Today bestseller" - 8/1/20 (67:10)
- Dean Wesley Smith - "New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 200 novels" -7/28/20 (59:33)
- Martin Shoemaker - putting humanity into science fiction - 07/25/2020 (64:44)
- Carol Lynch Williams - "bestselling young adult author" - 07/21/2020 (58:46)
- Amy White - Plotting: Story Code - 07/14/2020 (54:10)
- Forrest Wolverton - Taking Charge of Your Journey - 07/11/2020 (121:37)
- S. D. Smith - "Middle Grade Indie Author" - 07/07/2020 (61:19)
- J. Scott Bronson - Building Great Characters - 06/30/2020 (61:12)
- David Farland - Contracts - 06/23/2020 (60:29)
- J. Scott Savage - "MG and YA writer" - 06/16/2020 (69:03)
- Forrest Wolverton - Motivations & Goals - 06/13/2020 (58:04)
- James Hunter - "Author & owner-operator of Shadow Alley Press" - 06/09/2020 (61:42)
- Mark Gottlieb - "Literary Agent" - 06/06/2020 (101:03)
- David Farland (Better Race Relations) 06/02/2020 (62:24)
- Marta Sprout - "thrillers & true crime author" - 05/30/2020 (59:54)
- Lisa Mangum - "YA, editor Shadow Mountain Press" - 05/26/2020 (66:50)
- James A. Owen - "illustrator, comic-book writer, inspirational writer" - 05/23/2020 (65:31)
- Jonathan Maberry - "NYTimes Author" - 05/19/2020 (72:37)
- David Farland - Movie Deals - 05/12/2020 (62:50)
- Brian Meeks - Ad Master - 05/05/2020 (69:55)
- Jeff Wheeler - writing strategies & flow state - 05/02/2020 (79:14)
- David Farland - 04/28/2020 (66:50)
- Adam Sidwell - Future House Publishing -04/25/2020 (82:23)
- Robert J. Sawyer - Biggest Mistakes - 04/21/2020 (62:46)
- David Farland - Advertising - 04/14/2020 (63:40)
- David Farland - Outlines, Submissions, Themes, etc - 04/11/2020 (60:47)
- Toni Weisskopf - "President of Baen Books" - 04/07/2020 (59:05)
- Amy Jarecki - "#1 overall Amazon.com bestselling romance/historical writer" - 04/04/2020 (60:42)
- John R. Mabry - "SF author" - 03/28/2020 (Audio Only) (61:31)
- David Farland - 03/24/2020 (67:54)
- Ed Elbert - "Movie Producer" - 03/21/2020 (69:25)
- David Farland - Finding an Agent, Publisher, etc - 03/14/2020 (60:45)
- David Farland - Infusing Believable Social Network in Stories - 03/10/2020 (65:19)
- David Farland - landscape of fiction writing - 03/07/2020 (Audio Only) (64:10)
- David Farland 03_03_2020 (70:38)
- David Farland 02_29_2020 (58:59)
- David Farland 02_25_2020 (60:45)
- David Farland 02_18_2020 (65:44)
- David Farland - Tolkien - 02/15/2020 (61:28)
- David Farland 02_11_2020 (62:12)
- David Farland - What Dave Looks for in an Author - 02/08/2020 (Audio Only) (58:12)
- David Farland - SuperStars, blind spots, building audience, etc - 02/04/2020 (64:22)
- David Farland 02_01_2020 (66:49)
- David Farland 01_28_2020 (60:06)
- David Farland 01_25_2020 (67:01)
- David Farland 01_21_2020 (62:36)
- David Farland 01_18_2020 (63:48)
- David Farland 01_14_2020 (60:45)
- David Farland 01_11_2020 (61:51)
- David Farland 01_07_2020 (63:35)
- David Farland 01_04_2020 (61:11)
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